Dreams of Home Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Harry was spending his Friday evening in the library studying with the Marauders, Lily, Marlene, Frank, and Alice. The study group had been formed by Lily, and she was becoming quite the slave driver in attempting to set up a good study program for her friends so they could do well on their NEWTs. Harry smiled in admiration at the woman as she droned on about a topic they had covered in Ancient Runes that day. The comparisons to Hermione were clearly well-founded as the two both had a tendency to throw themselves into their studies. Particularly if they were trying to distract themselves from a bigger problem.

Harry thought back to a few nights ago when he and Lily had been discussing the pros and cons of the Fidelius charm. Harry could tell the young woman was really feeling down that day, and was doing his best to lift her spirits, but he was mostly unsuccessful. When asked what the matter was she told him about a dream she had been having where Death Eaters attacked her neighborhood. She had been having the dream nearly every night since the attack in Sussex, and she was shaken about what had happened.

It was during this conversation Harry realized that even Lily was not realizing the magnitude of what was happening out there. She spoke of the event as if it was a natural weather disaster that was unavoidable. She wasn't angry, she was scared. It was a difference that Harry couldn't quite understand between Lily and Elaina. Elaina was ready to fight as it was. This was only the beginning, and the girl was ready to stand up to these bastards. Lily did not seem there yet. Perhaps it was because it was already personal to Elaina? They had attacked her hometown, and maybe even killed people she knew. It was like Lily was observing a statistic in the Daily Prophet with how casually she spoke of it.

Thinking back on what he knew of his mother in his timeline it was possible that the death of his maternal grandparents, and possibly even friends of hers, is what drove her into action. War always seems so far off until it is at your doorstep.

Thinking of the Muggleborn Slytherin, he realized they hadn't spoken much since their encounter in the abandoned classroom, but they exchanged respectful nods each time they passed each other. Andromeda had noted that Elaina had come back after curfew that night, and asked Harry about it, but he said nothing. Perhaps Harry would've been better off being honest with Andi, because now she was very suspicious of what the two had been up to.

Suddenly he felt the eyes of the table on him, and he frowned as he realized he'd let himself get lost in his thoughts, "Sorry, what?"

James gave him a concerned look while Sirius shook his head, "Mate, we've been trying to get your attention. What planet were you on?"

"Sorry." Harry apologized, "What did I miss?"

Alice answered him with a soft smile, "We were wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade as a group with us tomorrow? We figured since it's your first time there we could show you around."

Frank offered him a smile as he squeezed his girlfriend's hand, and the others just looked expectantly at him as he briefly considered his answer, "My parents are supposed to meet me at the Three Broomsticks at noon. I am not sure how long they will want to meet for, but I am sure they would like to visit with James and Sirius before departing. If you all want to gather for lunch there we could spend the rest of the afternoon together showing me around?"

James and Sirius both looked surprised by his answer, and the older Potter asked, "Uncle Charlus and Aunt Dorea will be in Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Harry gave the boy a grin, "We aren't hiding anymore, Prongs. I think they are planning on watching your Quidditch matches this fall as well."

Charlus had told Harry that he intended to spend more time around Hogwarts this year. He was hoping his presence would discourage an attack on the school or Hogsmeade, but Harry was uncertain whether that would work, or whether it would provoke the Dark Lord into a confrontation sooner than he did in Harry's time.

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