Dreams of Home Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Harry and Elaina had split off from the rest of the group after leaving the Three Broomsticks. It was decided that Harry would escort the girl back to the castle in case there were any issues. Sirius had wagged his eyebrows at Harry when no one was looking, and the young man rolled his eyes as he followed the fake redhead back towards Honeydukes.

It took them a bit longer to slip into the shop with fewer customers around, but eventually the two had managed to slip into the shop disillusioned without any issues, and Harry helped Elaina into the secret passageway once they reached the cellar. In a matter of moments they were home free. Elaina seemed relieved when she canceled the glamor charms on her, and offered him a shy smile, "Thanks for today, Harry. It was really brilliant. Andi and Pandora showed me around before we met with you and your family at The Three Broomsticks. I can't wait to see the village in the snow. I am sure it is really beautiful."

"I bet it is too." Harry said, smiling at the girl's enthusiasm.

"I haven't had a chance to explore many magical areas in this world." Elaina confessed quietly, "I don't think I realized quite how much I was missing out on. Other than my yearly trip to Diagon Alley I haven't really seen much of anything, anywhere."

Offering her an understanding look over his shoulder as he walked he nodded, "I understand more than you know. I haven't seen much of the magical world either. Something I plan to change one day."

"Your family didn't take you traveling as a kid?" She asked curiously.

"Not really. Mum and Dad are pretty recognizable on the continent, and they didn't really take me to many places in fear of me being exposed to dragon pox." Harry said though the lie tasted bad in his mouth for some reason.

"Strange." The girl commented, but didn't say anything further.

"The loss of my older brother was devastating on my family. Larger than most can comprehend. It changed my family." Harry tried to explain, "My parents didn't really feel the desire to be social again until recently. I think reconnecting with our family over the last few months has really brought them back to life. I am sure my uncle Fleamont would have hardly recognized his brother and sister-in-law today with how much they smiled and laughed today. I know when I was kid they were pretty closed off. Hence the isolation."

There they were again. More lies. Harry had never felt the weight of them on his tongue until right now. This girl had saved his life. Broke bread with his family, yet here he was lying to her. He had lied to James though. His real father. To Lily. His real mother. Why was this so different? If Elaina was catching his discomfort however she didn't comment.

"I really like your parents. They are a lot like you I think." Elaina said softly.

"What about your parents?" Harry asked curiously.

Harry remembered what Dorea had told him about trying to learn more about the girl, and the question seemed innocent enough, but the way she tensed, the young man immediately knew he'd hit a sensitive spot, "What about them?"

Harry paused, and then cautiously asked, "What are they like?"

Elaina stopped behind him, and he stopped as well, turning to look at her. She had one hand clenched, and the other looked like it might go for her wand. A fight in this secret passageway would not be pretty, and Harry wondered if he had crossed an invisible line in the sand. Finally however she seemed to relax, "My mum died when I was young. I barely remember her. My dad...he doesn't care much for magic."

With that she stormed past him, and his heart sank. She was more like him than she knew. He wanted to confide in her, tell her that he knew her pain, but he couldn't. That burned more than he wanted to admit, but instead he said, "That couldn't have been easy."

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