Dreams of Home Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

James could hardly believe what he saw. He thought his cousin was a dead man when he was hit with the cruciatus curse. Yet somehow Harry had fought it off. He had managed to get back into the fight, and pick apart Rodolphus. Clearly, the Lestrange family had cheated too. Whispers of the crowd said that everyone knew it too. No one just loses an arm like that and continues to fight like nothing happened. The thought that they had cheated in the blood feud made James angry, but a cold feeling crossed his chest as he watched Harry end the fight. He had disarmed and clearly beaten Rodolphus, why continue? What had he done to make the man scream? By the way, the man screamed James would've thought it was the cruciatus curse, but from the murmurs of the crowd, it was clearly not the unforgivable. Why was it not enough to simply beat the man?

It was a message, James thought grimly. A powerful one at that. Other than the one spell Rodolphus had managed to land on Harry it was clear the man was outmatched. He had fought well, and stalled Harry, but that was all he had done from the beginning. Harry was on him from the start. He had never seen anyone fight like that.

He broke through an unforgivable, James screamed at himself internally. It all seemed so impossible. Sirius had nearly sobbed when Harry was hit with the curse. His entire friend group had looked away except Frank who had watched with a clenched fist. Lily had sobbed. It was all so unbelievable. Then to watch Harry dismantle the man so violently was disturbing.

He had to be with his family. His mind was practically on autopilot as he rose from the stands. Most of the crowd had remained in their seats still shocked by what had occurred, but he needed to get to Harry.


Elaina had been impossibly tense since Harry had been hit with the torture curse. She could not imagine fighting through that pain. She remembered it well, and fighting through it seemed impossible, yet he had done it. In a duel no less. She had seen it, but she was still working on believing it.

She had thought that she witnessed his full capability that night in Godric's Hollow, but for a moment during the duel, he seemed lost in the frenzy. He was fighting like a man possessed. He looked invincible. It was as frightening as it was intriguing. She knew that could not have been the first time he had been hit with that curse. She knew that he had been in a fight for his life before. But how? How had the Potters who were obviously very protective of their son allowed such situations to occur? It didn't add up.

She was now determined to be forward and ask the questions that were on her mind, but today wouldn't be the day for that. She wanted to see that he was okay first, and then she would broach the thoughts on how she would delve into her friend's past.


"He's a hell of a wizard, Charlus. Seventeen, capable of impeccable feats of magic, and fighting off unforgivables. Be proud of your boy. I am impressed." Arcturus Black said as he rose to his feet.

Dorea was out of the stands as soon as Harry had dislodged the man's head from his body, but Charlus had remained locked in place. Harry had beaten the cruciatus curse. How much had he left out in his story about his life? Charlus had never been hit by the curse before, but he knew many great witches and wizards that had and none had been able to beat it. It wasn't unheard of, but it was rare. The type of will that took was only born in rare souls, yet Harry clearly had it. He had that, and he had experience.

Raising to his feet Arcturus clapped him on the shoulder, "He did well. Rodolphus threw up a better fight than I ever imagined. He was better than they said he was, and everyone was very impressed with him. I see now what Bellatrix saw in him. Talent. A shame it had to go to waste."

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