Chapter 1 part 4

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[Location: Gymnasium]
[Yu pov]

"This school, is an institute of excellence. Which only a given few, are able to attend."

"This school's the best! There's literally no competition!"

"I think the teachers of this school are awesome. We learn so much from them and, that is what we from the tutoring club aspire to be, that's why..."

""Please, join our club!!""

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing... and people are doing their club invitations.

'Well, it was a good try. But, I wonder if they can say something different aside from this school is the best.'

My class is now currently in the gym, listening to the different clubs give their speeches and club invitations.

'I wonder what they all think about this club orientation...' I discreetly take a glance at my classmates.

Sakayanagi is sitting on a chair elegantly, paying attention to the speakers. Hashimoto is chatting with people from other classes. Katsuragi is talking with 'Yahi'. Kamuro is drinking beer...

'She's drinking beer? On the first day?' Perhaps it was the weirdness of the situation or I am simply curious about the brand of the beer she was drinking. But I seemed to have been staring at her for a while.

"Hmm?" Kamuro uttered a sound of confusion as she noticed me staring at her.

I, of course decided to do the most rational thing that can be done in that situation. I decided to pay attention to something else and make it seem as if I wasn't actually staring at her.

"Hey, yo-"

*We will now be having the closing remarks, by the student council president. Everyone please pay attention.*

It seemed like she was going to say something. But got interrupted by the speaker.

"Hmph." After giving me a piercing stare, she decided to pay attention to the speaker.


a long moment of silence ensued during the student council president's turn to speak.


Eventually the students' chatter began to die down and the entire Gym was eerily silent.

"... We are a School that only strives for excellence. If you feel like you are up for the task. Then feel free to test your skills by joining a competitive club."

Just when the students' murmurs were filling the Gym, they were once again forced, to be silent.



"However, if you are unfit for the task. Then I suggest for you to quit and do your best to thrive in this school. We only accept the people who can prove their merit..."

As the student council president kept doing his speech. The murmurs, that died down, started back again.

"Who is that guy?"

"Isn't he rude?"

"So annoying."

Murmur. Murmur. Murmur.

The murmurs once again continue but in a more subdued manner and a quiet tone of voice. Of course people can talk about someone behind their back all they want. But it is unnecessary without the actual person hearing it.

"... and now, I have an announcement to make."


The noisy crowd begins to quiet down again.

"The student council will be accepting new members. For further inquiries, you may see us at the student council room. That is all. Once again, I bid you all a good day."

clap. clap. clap.

And so, with the awkward clapping noises as the background. The student council president finished his speech.

'So that is the student council president... He is interesting.'

And so, ends my first day in school...

"Hey, you."

Though, for some reason it seems like there would be something troublesome ahead...


"Yes. Is there something..."

Mentally preparing myself for the conversation that would be happening. I find myself outside of my comfort zone. 'Come to think of it, this will be my first time speaking to a girl my age... This might be a good experience as well'

Whether or not that is true, will be revealed in the near future.

Chapter 1 part 4 end

Chapter is a bit later than what I announced. But here it is. I hope all of you enjoyed reading, and feel free to leave any comments for any mistakes in grammar or anything that has to do with the story. That is all. Have a nice day.

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