Chapter 1

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The sound of crashing waves, the smell of salt and seaweed and the calls of seagulls rings out upon the beach of Takoba Municipal a local illegal dump site of trash where you can find anything in the dump heap of what was once a lovely beach

From metal, glass, plastic trash up to untensils or old kitchen ware, perhapes even some broken or partly damaged hero support gear, old weapons, construction parts, car peices and more hell you would even likely find a dead body hidden among the trash since nobody cares about this illegal dump site it makes it perfect to hide a body

And among the giant piles of trash and filth is a 14 year old boy with diamond shape freckles on his cheek, green mossy messy hair, darken green eyes as they are in a school uniform as this is Izuku Midoryia and he was crying in pain and misery and its no wonder as to why

He was bloody as 1 of his eyes is swollen shut almost black in colour with its bruise mixed with blood, his cheeks are bruised with a busted lip and if you could see into his mouth you would find a chipped but also missing tooth with bloody gums, as his nose is crooked indication that it was broken as its leaking a little bit of blood, his back is sore with it likely be covered in bruises and burns as their are a few holes where you can see the burns, his chest was heaving heavily yet slowly as each breath hurt as he has a cracked if not broken rib or 2 it was hard to tell from all the pain, as his shirt is torn and messy with both of his sleeves being reduced to rags as his arms are bloody, bruised and burns along them as even 1 of his fingers his broken or out of its socket as his hands are trembling in pain, his lower torso is red and bruised with clear indicators that these wounds are from battle, his legs are bruised and if he was to stand they would be quivering and shaking as his pants are wrecked along with his shoes that he got rid of since they are nonthing more but scrap

As Izuku would look down at his shaky hands his vision blurred with his 1 good eye filled with tears as he would slowly raise his right hand which had the broken or dislocated finger up to his swollen shut eye and lightly touches it only to flinch instantly from the pain

And the sudden flinch of movement brought in a whole new wave of pain though out his beaten body but he couldn't scream in pain as his throat is sore and dry as it was more shock then anything as he would then look at his finger as taking in a deep breath

He would grab his finger doing his best to ignore the pain and with a CRACK would set his finger back in place having to bite his tongue hard with how much that hurt as he would take in a few shaky deep breaths in and out until the pain subsided for the most part

Now came another hell which was to reset his nose back into place as he shakenly raises his hands up and puts the palm of his hands on each side of his nose as he takes in a deep breath in and out again trying to stay calm and prepare himself for the pain before



How badly he wanted to swear but doesnt as he would save his breath as his nose was now set back in place as years of getting these injuries had Izuku learning by himself how to fix these kinds of injuries but the bigger ones most notably his ribs he had to allow his body to heal

Which it does as his body would always heal granted depending on the wound can take days or weeks and with his ribs damaged the way they are would likely take a week 2 tops

Now with the ability to heal so quickly from these injuries might indicate a quirk but no he had been to the doctors when he was 4 and would quickly find out that he was infact quirkless

He would return to the doctors a few times when his injuries rapidly healed faster then normal but no despite the many check ups and x-rays nonthing had changed the fact that he was quirkless which made him an oddity among everyone

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