Chapter 9

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Back inside the classroom 1-A all of the students had taken their respective seats as Aizawa had gone off somewhere as they are wondering where he went and what they were going to be learning next that was until they heard a voice they never exspected to hear


As All-Might was wearing his golden age hero suit as the entire class is surprised by his arrival except for Mothra as she knew he was coming


All-Might-'Aha yes it is i am today i am going to be your teacher and today we are going to be participating in a mock battle we have also gone though the liberties of delivering you your hero costumes so if you please get changed and meet me on ground beta'

He told them as he would point to the corner of the room that held the cases with everyones names on their own case before using his incredible speed and zips out of the room and to ground Beta as everyone would grab their cases all except for Mosura and Goji as those 2 didnt have a costume case but they would go to the changing room again

In the male change room the boys are getting dressed up in their current hero costumes while Goji merely stood their after removing his shirt since he was a Titan and his true form was massive in size and how he looks in his Titan form. Wearing a costume would make him look ridiculous besides he wasnt here to be a hero

He was here to only attend U.A as his dream before he goes to rule his kingdom so he would just walk out of the changing room despite a few confused looks since he was only in his school track pants

For Mothra she actually didnt go into the female changing room since she doesnt have a hero costume well she does have her combat form as she would walk to the grounds where All-Might was as the 1 number hero would notice her and realises that she wasnt wearing any hero costume just her school uniform

As ground Beta is actually a fake city to simulate all sorts of potental villain attacks or possible scenarios now sure it wasnt the USJ where it was meant to teach not only rescue but how to get though such environments and just about every kind of scenario possible for hero training but since most attacks or incidents happen in a city

All-Might-'everything alright your majesty? You dont have a hero costume or somthing?'

Mothra-'Oh i do but i only go into it if its nessicary'

All-Might-'you are going to be simulating a villain attack i am pretty sure it would be integral that you had your hero costume on'

Mothra-'I will when the time calls for it All-Might i am not really a fighter'

All-Might-'*So a pacifist this is going to be intresting*'

It was then the rest of the class would show up as they are walking out of the nearby tunnel as it would show that leading ahead was Izuji as he was only shirtless so like Mosura he didnt have a hero costume

But all the other students did with a couple in skin tight outfits, flashy bright coloured outfits, a couple in some kind of armour or costumes that go well with their quirk and current abilities all in all they looked like every kind of hero you would see on the streets that fight crime as All-Might would smile

All-Might-'Splendid all of you look amazing true future heros in the works now for todays task you will be doing a simulated indoor battle'

Tenya-'Excuse me sir but why exactly are we doing an indoor battle from what i know just about all confrontations with villains happen on the outside also how will this simulation go? Will we be paired? If paired how would it be done? Whats the simulation scenario......'

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