Chapter 6

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The time for U.A's entrance exam was here and everyone was moving about trying to get everything ready as months had passed by and all the while Izuku simply slept though it all under the ocean close by the Monarch base who have been studying him as Izuku had stayed in his human form as only recently had Mothra woken him up

As he would open his eyes as he is greeted with the sight of the ocean around him as he would get up using his claws and legs along with his powerful tail would push him upward as he would look around the ocean as it appeared empty as any sealife had stayed clear of this area including any predators

As above him is the looming giant ship that belongs to Monarch and to the side is the wall that lead to the docking port where the ship is stationed as he would swim to the shore

As inside the Monarch base before Goji had woken up in a empty room excluding the bed Mothra can be seen in there as she was currently sleeping as she appears to be floating as her large gorgeous wings are wrapped around her entire body like a cocoon as she would awaken of course waking up her king at the same time

Mothra-'*Time to wake up my king as U.A is waiting for us to arrive there*'

As her eyes would flutter open as her wings would unfurl from around her body showing she was in a night gown once again gifted to her by insistant female Monarch researchers who didnt want her to be practically naked all the time which was a nice gesture from them

But none the less she saw the dufflebag in her room which was to contain her new uniform for U.A which she would take out as it had to be customed tailoured due to her gift bodies huge purportions as once she changes into it the clothing is still hugging her frame which was fine infact it will be fun to see Goji's reaction to her wearing this

As inside the bag was also a pair of school uniform for her king to wear which is also perfect as it was customed tailored so his dorsal spike like plates can poke out without shredding the shirt apart and so she would then grab the duffle bag and leaves to meet up with her king on the beach

Upon arriving to the shore and walking back onto dry land in months Izuku would shake his body getting rid of any excess water on his body as his clothing that he wore had degraded in the water leaving him the way he was after coming out of the crystal so he was basically nude? Or did the fact his genitals are covered in scales hidden away nullifys it since some heros have somthing simular like that depending on the quirk? A question for another day

As he would look to the side and would spot Mothra who comes gliding down from the docks as she would land with grace as she would smile at him as she was wearing a brand new school uniform which is hugging her gorgeous voluptuous body as Izuku would smile as well glad to see her again after that very short nap as his face also goes a bit crimson seeing her in such an outfit

Mothra-'You excited to finally take the exam for U.A?'

She would ask beaming with joy and happiness as that joyful attitude is rather infectious as Izuku couldnt stop himself from grinning as his tail would sway side to side in excitement as this has been his dream for a very long time and now he can

Izuku-'Yes and i owe everything to you for giving me this chance which i cant possibly thank you enough'

Mothra-'No need to my king come i rather not be late and make a bad impression as after all we will likely meet our brand new classmates during the exam'

She said and would then hold out the dufflebag as she would place it on the ground as Izuku would look inside and find that it his new school uniform as he would then change into it pleased with the customisation that allowed his dorsal fins to poke out

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