Chapter 8

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The jounrey to U.A wouldn't take long at all since they werent that far from U.A it also helped that Mothra is strong and really fast as the 2 of them would land on the ground and would look at the building it was finally time a moment the 2 of them have been waiting for a long time

And so both Titans would head down the path and entered the building of U.A as they are in class 1-A but now came a conundrum where was Class 1-A as despite the building being the letter H on all sides its incredibly confusing to find well for Izuku that is since their are so many smells

As for Mothra since she was inside this building having watched her king take on his exam she had a good time at looking around and with a great memory knew where the class was and would lead her king to the classroom which wouldn't take them long

As the door way to the classroom was huge which would make sense for those that had quirks that made their bodies much more bigger as the 2 Titans would enter the classroom and this is what they are greeted with the second they walked though the door

Tenya-'Would You Take Your Feet On The Desk That Is Private Property Of A Prestigious School And Your Descerating It By Having Your Feet Up On It!'

As it was Tenya who was talking to none other then Bakagou who couldn't look more annoyed that someone who was giving him orders and Goji would only lightly scoff at Tenyas attempts to order Bakagou

Izuku-'*Unless it has anything to do with giving him praise Bakagou or is limited All-Might item he couldn't give 2 shits about it as he thinks he is top dog......i am looking forward to Crushing That......*'

He clenched his fist as he would banish his thoughts before they got out of control as as watched as Bakagou would get irritated

Bakagou-'You got a stick shoved up your ass or somthing? If you dont back up now i will blow you the fuck up!'

He said as his palms would crackle and pop with miniture explosives as Tenya was shocked at his rudeness and was about to berate Bakagou until he would spot both Izuku and Mothra who was watching this

Tenya-'Ahh greetings my name is Tenya Iida welcome to Class 1-A fellow classmates'

As he would offer his hand which Mothra would gladly take his hand and shook it as Izuku doesnt pay attention to him instead glancing back at Bakagou as he wasnt that surprised that U.A would let him in considering his strong destructive flashy quirk

Now granted Izuku would be a hypocrite if he didnt acknowledge that his new abilities are also strong, destructive and at times flashy if used the right way

But unlike Bakagou he wont go showing off and gloat about his quirk but before anything else can happen the sound of Aizawa would cut though the commotion of the classroom chatter

Aizawa-'If you only come here to make friends then you need to leave'

He said as Tenya appears to be the only 1 to have been caught off guard as both Titans would glance down at him as Aizawa was currently in his sleeping bag as he would take out a small juice box and took a few sips out of it as Mothra couldn't help but compaire him to her larvae form

As Aizawa would then climb out of his sleeping bag and would walk into the classroom as he appeared to be very tired out

Aizawa-'Now you are to get changed into your gym wear and meet me outside by the court you got 10 minutes'

He told them as the students dont move at first but seeing they werent being instructed would finally get moving and would make their way to the change rooms

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