Chapter 12

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The week would fly by and now it was time for Mothra to return back to U.A as everyone would have returned from their week long training experience from the various pro heroes

As she stretches with a small groan as she rubs her eyes since Titans can sleep for so long that a week to them is nonthing but that doesn't matter as the queen would get changed and dressed into her U.A uniform as she would wonder down back to the tank

As she can already tell that Goji was nearly done with his evolution as his scales have gotten much darker in colour as his muscles have certainly gotten a bit bigger as his weight would certainly increase thanks to his new muscle mass as a bunch of scientists had notice the change in his scales and how he appeared to be bigger

And so once ready she would depart back to U.A and so would a bunch of Monarch agents while a majority would stay behind to keep an eye on Izuji especially Inko and Hisashi

As upon arrival to U.A and going to class 1-A the mood was immediately noticeable as it appeared to be gloomy and the reason for it was rather simple as looking at Tenyas desk their is an image of him along with flowers

As it turns out during his training with a pro he had idiotically went after the Hero Killer Stain who had crippled his brother and well Tenya's body and the pro hero Natives body would be found in an ally some time later both having stab wounds

It was a nasty reality check for all of the students of just how dangerous being a hero really is as the only 1 not affected was Mothra who has seen death so many times hell she has died countless times before as she would take her seat

As Aizawa would come in as he also notice the mood and honestly was doing a good job at trying to not show that he was affected by this turn of events so he can appear strong for his students

Aizawa-'Today is a rather unfortunate day however let this be a strong reminder to you all that being a hero isnt all that it is cracked up to be and that it is really dangerous out their and villains will more then likely kill you if given the chance which is why we are going to be doing a test of sorts for you students now get changed and meet outside'

He said as the students would sombrely get up and would go to get changed into their hero outfit as while it was super unfortunate and sad that 1 if their friends was dead and it was a wake up call that hero work really was dangerous more so then they realised but before Mothra can leave Aizawa would stop her

Aizawa-'Izuku Midoriya when is he exspected to get here as he has being missing in action for a while is he going to return soon or what?'

Mothra-'It takes time to heal after all he suffered more battle damage then you did from the Nomu and you took a while to recover so be patient and he will return ok'

She said as she would go to the changing room with the rest of the class and get dressed into their hero outfits however there was now this sudden test that was coming up which meant somthing important was coming up and once dressed the students would go to the front of the school

As they did they would all be in for a surprise as they would notice that all of their teachers are here in their hero uniform including All-Might with his trade mark smile

As out of Aizawa's scarf came the principal Nezu who would look upon the students as they are curious about what was going on as Nezu began to explain

Nezu-'Greetings students now you mighy be wondering why you are all here with your teachers in your hero outfits well its simple your going to be in a test which is your going to be paired up and will be battling against 1 of your teachers'

He said as this was most certainly surprising for the students as this had come out of nowhere but their had to be a reason and luckily for them they would get a reason as Aizawa would speak

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