Chapter 11

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Mothra would groan as her eyes would open as she would be staring up at thankfully not a bright light but just the ceiling as the curtins are closed to keep minimum light from getting in which is great as she would sit up and notices that her arm is in a cast and her torso is covered in bandages

She clearly remembers how she got this injured it was that odd man made creature that nature didnt create dame that beast was strong that if it was the size of a Titan it could have been a real threat as she looks around her current surroundings and would notice the Monarch Logo on the door

As she was quick to realise she was back inside of the main Monarch base inside of their medical facilities as she would look around and notice that her king wasnt with her as she would climb out of bed

Of course she would notice that the cast and bandages are rather annoying to have on and so using her healing abilities would heal any damage done to her body before flexing her strength and shatters the cast holding her arm before changing into more comfortable clothes

As she would leave her room of course a nurse that she would pass by would realise that Mothra was up and out of bed and that her bandages are off as she was quickly going to fetch Serizawa and other agents since Mothra was ignoring her

As for Mothra she would arrive in an empty room that houses a huge glass tank that was full of a water however her immediate attention was on the fact that her king was currently inside of that tank being suspended under the water by a bunch of cables if sorts that are on his head, neck, chest, arms, legs, tail and cracked dorsal plates

Which are hooked up to this machine keeping tabs on his vitals as he wasnt moving and appeared to be outcold in a form of suspended animation but Mothra can feel it and smiled as she knows why her king was in his current state

Mothra-'*So your evolving didnt exspect you to evolve so soon after you just evolved to obtain your new form. Humans truly have become a force to be reckoned with ashame their power is still nonthing compared to a Titans full might*'

She thought putting her hand on the glass to obverse her king as she knows his evolutions can take time so he was going to be out cold for a very long time and she can see that while extremely if not out right impossible to internally see by the naked human eye but she can see that his muscles are S L O W L Y expanding in size and his scales are getting thicker

However her attention was on his dorsal plates as nonthing was changing about them but they are healing just like the rest of his body which is a good thing to see as she was just glad that he was getting better and when he awakens stronger then before

As she isnt alone in the room with her king for long as Serizawa would come in as he is shocked to see that Mothra is awake let alone moving considering the damage she took from that Nomu as its only been a week

Serizawa-'Mothra i dont understand how are you?'

Mothra-'I have a great healing factor you know such an injury wasn't going to keep me down for good but how is Goji?'

Serizawa-'Izuku? Well he is fine but is showing no signs of waking up despite his vitals showing positive readings and are only getting better but he just wont wake up can you explain?'

Mothra-'I would but that is somthing for you all to discover as you Monarch agents love to study and research so why spoil the surprise but if you must know he is going to be ok infact likely he will be better then ever so dont worry about him so what did we miss?'

Serizawa-'Not much as everyone involved with that incident had been given a week to recover but now U.A is holding the Sports Festival as a show of strength to prove that an attack like the USJ doesn't affect them'

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