Dreams or Nightmares? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

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You shot up out of your sleep in a cold sweat, panting as you glanced at your clock. Great, it's 3:am, you thought to yourself as you stood up, walking into the bathroom that was connected to your room. You looked in the mirror and opened the cabinet next to it, growling as you see it's empty.

"Damn it Terzo.." You mumbled, realizing he was most likely the one that cleared out your pills. You pinched the bridge of your nose, quickly grabbing your phone, mask, headphones, a jacket and storming out of your room. You threw your jacket on as you walked, connecting your headphones to your phones and playing a random playlist. You sulked as the song Mama's Boy by Dominic Fike started playing.

You were always emotional with music, but some songs just made you straight up distressed. You walked to Terzo's office, cracking the door open to make sure he wasn't there. You took off your headphones to listen for a moment before putting them back on and walking over to Terzo's desk.

You desperately looked through his drawers of paperwork before you finally found it, a small box full of Prescriptions and unnamed pills.

You put the box on top of the desk, opening it and digging through for something to take the edge off. Your tail shot up as you heard a voice and quickly looked up, seeing Sodo.

You cursed to yourself as you took off your headphones and glared at him, your hand still in the box of pills.

"Stealing on your first day back, damn." He said with a small snicker and smirk, leaning in the door frame.

You only hissed in response grabbing a bottle of pills that you recognized from your cabinet, you ignored Sodo, shoving the bottle in your pocket and putting the box back in Terzo's desk.

Sodo didn't seem to like being ignored though, he snatched the pills from you and ran down the hall, laughing like a child. You growled.

"Damn- give that back, dickhead-!" You whisper yelled, chasing after him while trying not to wake anyone up.

You finally caught up to him, snatching his tail as he yelped and stumbled, causing you to fall right after him. As you both try to recover from the fall you snatch the bottle back, muttering curses as you stood up, dusting yourself off.

He snickered standing up and laughing, seeming to think the whole thing was some funny prank.

"Prick." You muttered, rolling your eyes and leaning against the wall.

"Fine, fine- fun police." He mumbled, laughing at his own remark.

You both hear a sound and look up to see Terzo with his arms crossed, looking tired and annoyed. You quickly shoved your bottle of pills back in your pocket and glared at him.

Sodo just puts his hands in his pockets, waiting to be acknowledged as Terzo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Y/N, Sodo, Satan, keep it down. Some people are trying to sleep." He says with a sigh, shaking his head.

You just nod, glancing over at Sodo who just nods.

"Sorry boss." He says, sounding pretty laid back as he leaned against the wall. Terzo waved and went back to his room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

You glanced at Sodo, scoffing. "Thanks alot, prick." You muttered, heading to your room.

"What's with the mean face?" He said almost tauntingly.

"Go fuck yourself." You mumbled as you opened the door to your room, realizing that he was only a few doors down from you.

"I might." He said with a smirk as you made a fake gagging sound, walking into your room and shutting the door behind you.

You walk into your bathroom, popping a few pills and putting them into your cabinet, after a few minutes you felt a rush of relief, snickering and falling onto your bed. You quickly fell asleep, lightly snoring as you fell asleep in your mask and clothes.


You shot up out of your sleep again, in a cold sweat as you felt your face, taking off your mask and feeling.. tears?

You stood up, your tail still shot up defensively as you tried to catch your breath. You finally pulled yourself together, burying your face in your hands and sighing.

You walk over to your window, opening it and sitting on the window cill, and dangling your foot outside. You let out a sigh of relief as the cold air hit your face, you pulled your mask back on, looking down at the feild behind the ministry.

You leaned back, closing your eyes  and drifting off into your own thoughts as you felt the calming cold breeze.

Pyromaniac (Sodo x reader)   ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧Where stories live. Discover now