Shitty Mornings ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄

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You woke up the next morning with a migraine, you slowly got up walking over to your closet and changing into your normal formal attire, brushing your hair and putting your mask on, you walked into your bathroom and took another pill, shaking it off and walking outside, locking your door behind you.

You silently walk down the halls, your headphones around your neck.

"You go anywhere without those?" You hear a familiar aggravating voice. You turn around to see Sodo leaning against the wall with a stupid smirk on his face.

You rolled your eyes. "Is there something wrong with liking music?" You say with a scoff, glaring at him as your tail let go of your waist and swayed angrily.

"Surprised, thought I was gonna hear you died from overdose this morning." He said with a snicker but he stopped when your tail went still.

"Not funny, prick." You said, seemingly actually affected by his snarky remark.

"Yeah, yeah-" was all he managed to say before Swiss interrupted him.

"Let's all go to breakfast, yeah?" He said with a smile, tightly holding onto Sodo's shoudler, enough to make him squirm.

"Mhm." Was all you managed before walking past him and towards the cafeteria.


After all three of you made it back to the cafeteria, almost everyone seemed to feel the tension between you and Sodo.

To be petty you sat on the opposite side of the table from him, keeping pretty reserved and only really talking when spoken to. You quietly stood up, not wanting any of the food that the cooks prepared. You excused yourself and headed to the practice room, and shutting the door behind you.

You walked over and saw all the pre-prepared instruments for all of the ghouls, along with the micstand. You walked to the closet and saw your old guitar, quickly grabbing it and blowing the dust off of it.

You took the guitar over to the micstand and set up, strumming a few strings and lightly humming to "The darkness at the heart of my love." Which was your favorite song the band ever performed. You quietly sung to the song as you played without an amp, not wanting anyone to hear you.

You looked up in time to see a head duck away from the doorway, you shrug it off- hoping that it's just the pills making you see things. You shrug and put your guitar back into the closet, tracing your finger along the other old instruments before leaving, seeing Cirrus and Cumulus peeking through the door.

You practically jumped out of your skin, staring at the two ghoulletes. You tilted your head, slightly embarrassed.

"You sounded amazing, Y/N!" Cirrus chirped, pretty much junping up and down.

You sheepishly nod, waving your hand and shaking your head. "Oh, it's nothing.." you mumble, warming up from embarrassment. Cumulus only seemed to nod and agree with Cirrus as she rambled about how good she thought your voice was.


After a while you were able to escape, walking back to your room, tracing the wallpaper and humming.

Once you reached the door to your room you noticed that it was cracked open, you sighed pushing it open and saw Terzo standing in your bathroom, holding a bottle of pills and glaring at you.

You sigh, realizing you were going to get the scolding of a lifetime.

"Y/N.. I thought we were over this." He said with his arms crossed.

"I-" You quickly cut yourself off. "How did you know..?" You mumble, looking at the floor.

"Anonymous tip." He grumbled, still glaring at me.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled looking at everything but him.

Terzo looked you up and down before pinching the bridge of his nose and mumbling "It was a mistake to summon you again." He obviously didn't think he said it loud enough for me to hear but as my tail went still I glared at the floor, watching him leave and shut the door to my room.

You angrily threw your headphones at the wall, hard enough for them to break as you slid down the wall, burying your head in your hands.

"Fuck." Was all you could mumble before your eyes filled with embers. Sodo had to be the one to have told him, you shot up, angrily running into the hall and slamming your door behind you.

You ran a few doors down the hall and knocked on Sodo's door, growling when you got no response. You loudly knocked, Sodo finally awnsering and smirking when he sees you.

"What the fuck, Sodo!" You shouted, shoving him back.

"What the fuck did I do-?" He yelled back as he stumbled, surprised.

"Fucking ratting me out, you know I might be sent back to hell now, right-!?" You spat back, as his tail went still.

All he did was stare at you, as you felt your throat burn you hoped you didn't start crying from frustration.

You scoffed, turning to leave but feeling him grab your arm, squeezing it tightly.

Pyromaniac (Sodo x reader)   ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧Where stories live. Discover now