Drarry- orphan_account (3)

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The trio made their way downstairs from Gryffindor Tower towards the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry walked behind while Ron and Hermione were upfront, arguing over something that Harry was uninterested in. It was beginning to annoy him and before he had a chance to put an end to their bickering, the two had quietened down as they reached the Entrance Hall. New voices rose from in front of them gaining their attention. There, outside the doors to the Great Hall, stood Draco and his goons Crabbe and Goyle. Next to them was a young boy from Gryffindor who was shaking, struggling to keep back his tears.

"Pl-Please, stop. I-I-I don't have any money on me, really." The boy stuttered out. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle just scoffed at his teary plea.

"You're not going anywhere until we check your pockets," Draco said, smirking. He grabbed the boys collar and motioned for Crabbe and Goyle to search him. "Let's see if you're telling the truth." Draco growled. Boiling with rage, Hermione leapt towards them and whipped out her wand.

"Hermione, wait!" Ron called out following behind her, Harry rushing after them.

"Let go of him now!" Hermione shouted, pointing her wand at Draco's neck. Draco looked at her in disgust while still holding onto the boy's collar.

"This has nothing to do with you, Mudblood. So, if I were you I would mind you're own business. I don't think any of the Professors would be lenient on you if you cursed another student." Draco spat. Hermione glared, seething and began to lower her wand. Ron came up from behind Hermione and glared at Draco as well. Harry stood behind and watched as Crabbe and Goyle began searching the boy. A jiggle rattled from within the boy's pocket and Crabbe smirked as he pulled out 3 Galleons from inside the boy's pocket. He showed them to Draco who smirk down at the boy.

"Looks like someone wasn't telling the truth. Did your mother not teach you honesty? I'm not surprised that that Mudblo-!" Draco stumbled back, surprised as a fist made contact with his face. Draco let go of the crying boy, now holding his nose. The boy ran off, heading in the opposite direction of the Great Hall. Crabbe and Goyle looked at Draco in shock. Hermione cradled her now red fist against her chest, heaving in anger. Draco glared down at her before motioning for Crabbe and Goyle to do something. The said boys reacted and took out their wands, ready for a fight. Ron and Harry mirrored their stance.

"There will be no duelling in the corridors." A monotone voice snared from behind them. The students turned to the new voice, a look of despair reflecting on the Gryffindors' faces. Professor Snape stood in the doorway of the Great Hall, glaring at all of the students in front of him. Hermione opened her mouth to speak to him, however he put his hand up to silence her.

"I do not care what happens between students, however....." he paused before continuing. "Seeing as one of my students has been injured, I have to make it my business. Malfoy, What happened?." He asked turning his attention towards Draco.

"Granger attacked me. I think she broke my nose." Draco spat while glaring hard at Hermione. Her cheeks flushed.

"Only beacuse you were being a total prat-" Ron started to protest but was cut of by Professor Snape.

"50 points will be taken away from Gryffindor for your incompetence, Miss Granger. You will be serving detention with me for the remainder of-."


Professor Snape was cut off by a high-pitched twitter sounding from beside him. Professor Umbridge stood with her back straight, smiling up at everyone in her vision.

"I am terribly sorry to interrupt this conversation however, seeing as I am the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, I believe it is my job to punish the perpetrators." Everyone was silent. Draco looked back at Hermione and Ron, smirking

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