The Fifth Date Universe- Drarry- Rini2012

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November 18th, 2000

It was their fifth date on a chilly November night, and as usual Draco was excited. He wasn't too pleased to be chauffeured in Harry's car though. The blond didn't trust most muggle contraptions (nearly blowing up a TV once for example), but the raven haired man seemed to have the transportation on lock. Thing was, Harry hadn't revealed where they were going. Not only were they going somewhere at night, it was supposed to be a kind of picnic.

Harry, however, had a plan. He knew a place in the countryside that was perfect for stargazing. He thought it would be somewhat humorous seeing as the Malfoy's all had constellation names. Not to mention it was a beautiful sight without the clouds and light pollution of the city. Some nights, the stars were so bright that they illuminated the area like the moon would. He could only hope it would do that tonight as well. The former Gryffindor wanted to share that beautiful sight with Draco.

"How much further?" Draco asked.

"Five minutes." Harry answered. "Don't worry, you'll enjoy it."

Draco scoffed with a smirk.

"If you say so."

Three minutes later, they pulled onto a gravel driveway with a sign next to it that said 'for sale', although it was very decrepit. To Harry's knowledge, the property had been on the market for decades, yet no one bought it because of ghost stories or something about the house. Once Harry parked the car, he got out and opened Draco's door.

"Prepare for an incredible sight." He said.

It'd probably be better if you shagged me. Draco thought to himself. In truth, the former Slytherin was finding it harder and harder to not just jump Harry and have them sleep together. Their last date was of Draco's choosing, and he picked a beach that was charmed to be like summer year round. He specifically picked it to see what he had to work with if they ever got that for. Merlin, what a beautiful sight he got in return. The Auror Training gave Harry toned muscles, and it seemed he had a monster under those swim trunks. It was safe to say that Draco had wanked a few times to the thoughts of Harry in him...

The blond pushed the thoughts out of his mind to continue with the current date. He got out of the car with the picnic items, then Harry locked the vehicle without pushing a button, which made Draco jump.

Harry laughed a bit at Draco's reaction. Sometimes he forgot the man was unfamiliar with muggle items like remotely locked cars.

"It's alright." Harry assured. "Some cars have electronic locks on the keys."

He held up the key in his hand and pointed to the buttons on them.

"Right." Draco said as he blushed a bit in embarrassment.

Harry smiled, and held Draco's hand as he led them to his favorite tree. Harry liked to come to this place when he wanted peace and quiet at night. Tonight, there was a bright, crescent moon, and the sky was free of clouds, which allowed the two men to go to the tree without using a Lumos charm.

"Here we are." Harry declared as he grabbed the blanket.
Draco took in the surrounding area as he had expected some hidden magical sight or what have you to show up. All he could see were barren trees, and fields. It wasn't exactly 'incredible' like Harry had claimed.

"Why exactly are we here?" He inquired.

Harry suppressed a snicker at Draco's ability to be oblivious with his reputation. He simply laid out the blanket, sat down, and pat the space next to him.

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