home sweet home- okaypottah

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(2526 words)

The warmth of your body pressed to my front is a wonderful contrast to the coldness of the hard wall that I'm pressed against. The hallway is dimly lit, and the music from the party is a muffled sound in the background.

Your mouth - hot and wet- clamps over mine, taking my bottom lip between your teeth and giving a small bite that makes my hands fly to your head, fingers burying in the dark, unruly locks and tugging.

You grunt, hands wrapping around my slim wrists and holding them over my head, lips leaving mine to trail kisses along my jaw.

I open my eyes, the mop of dark hair filling my vision and gasp as you bite at the spot below my ear, making my knees buckle involuntarily and your hands are all that prevent me from falling --quite ungracefully, I would presume-- to the floor.

"Potter," I breathe out as one of your hands rests on my thigh, one that I've thrown over your hip, the line of your growing erection pressing against me, "I thought you said something about talking?"

"Oh, talking now, is it?" Something akin to a growl escapes your lips, one that sends a pleasant shiver down my spine, "What part? You being a fucking tease, wearing those tight leather pants, knowing what it does to me?"

As if to prove your point, your run a hand along the said leather clad thighs, giving a smack when your reach my bum, making me cry out and arch my back, my own cock straining against the tightness of the pants.

You hum, satisfied with the reaction, rubbing the spot, "Or, I suppose, chatting with that blondie must've been fun, with him pratically undressing you with his eyes while you act like you haven't the faintest clue. Tell me, Malfoy, was it because he's a professor? 'Cause I could bend your over and teach you a lesson too."

By now, both of my legs are wrapped around your waist and your hands rest on my arse. You latch onto a spot on my neck and I feel your lips against my skin as you mutter, "And after the torture you put me through tonight, I'm more than tempted to. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Your words fall on deaf ears as the slow grinding of your hips against mine send all blood rushing south. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite down on my lower lip to suppress the moan that threathens to escape my lips.

A small explosion sounds in the background followed by muffled cheers and clapping.

"Potter, we should- not here--"

"Mm. Right." A tap against my thigh makes me open my eyes as you lower me. My head feels dizzy from the rush of emotions and I hold your arm to steady myself when my legs wobble. "So soon?"

"Are we leaving or what, Potter?" I manage a scowl, ignoring the urge to palm myself through the pants and you return a smirk.

"Oh, I don't know, would seem pretty rude to leave now, wouldn't it, seeing that we just arrived an hour ago?" The expression on my face must be priceless if the way your smirk gets wider is anything to go by.

"But .. you can't just .. you're .." I sputter, gaze dropping to your crotch where a very noticable tent was formed. "You're just gonna walk around with that- that thing --" Your green eyes twinkle with amusement and I cross my arms over my chest. "I hate you so much right now, Potter."

"Not all the time, then?" At my sour expression, you step closer and place a hand on my jaw, tilting my face so that our gazes meet. "How about we stay another half an hour, just so 'Mione doesn't hex my balls off, then get home and ah, I don't know, do something about you hating me?"

With a charming smile, I say, "Ten minutes?"

You roll your eyes, but hesitate a split second when I jut out my bottom lip before saying, "Fifteen."

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