Drarry- orphan_account (4)

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Harry crept out of his bed, picking up his wand and keeping on his tip toes as he made his way to the end of the frame, kneeling down on the floor by his chest.

"Lumos." His wand lit up seconds later, shining about the room to check he was the only one conscious, turning back once he confirmed everyone was still asleep. Hovering over his trunk, he bent down to open it, shuffling through the scattered clothing for his Invisibility cloak and the Marauder's Map. Each item was strewn under a pile of dirty clothing, Harry tossing them to the side as he pulled them out and tucked them under his arm along with his wand. Slowly, he closed the lid to the trunk, keeping his fingers on the hatch until it was fully shut, not wanting to make any noise and risk being seen. When he stood back up, he used his wand to cautiously check his roommates once more, all still tucked away in their beds. Holding his breath, he turned around to inch towards the door, unlocking it with a simple, "Alohomora", taking his time to close it just as he did with his trunk. He breathed out a quiet sigh of relief once he stood on the other side of the threshold, one hurdle complete.

Walking down the stairs, a few dim lights casted shadows on the walls, illuminating the stone steps, guiding him to the Common Room. The room was shrouded in darkness, the fireplace having gone out once everyone was in bed, the house elves tidying up the place whilst everyone slept. It was well past midnight now, passed the time everyone should be in bed, if he was caught now, he could only guess what McGonagall would do. A week's worth of detention likely.

Harry stepped into the room, quickly making his way to the entrance, keeping his wand lit on the ground to watch where he stepped. The portraits in the corners of the room snored loudly, masking his feet on the bare, cold stone path. He stopped just behind the Fat Lady's portrait, taking the Map out of his armpit and whispering the words to lift the enchantment and scan the floors leading to his destination. For now, the fifth floor was empty, his main focus on Mrs Norris and Filch who were wondering the lower two floors. As long as they were out the way, his path should be clear. He untangled the cloak from under his arm, throwing it over his shoulders and covering his head with the hood. His whole body disappeared from view, blending in with his surroundings. Opening the door, he stepped out the frame, watching the Map closely for any change in the caretaker's patrol.

"What? Who's there? Hello?" Harry startled at the voice, turning to its direction, seeing the Fat Lady groggily looking about for the person who had disturbed her sleep. She yawned continuously, squinting down before shutting her eyes against her will. Harry's paralysed body relaxed a moment later, the cold sweat that had covered him, thinking he had gotten caught, slowly dissipating as he watched her sleep, her head lolling from shoulder to shoulder. He started to walk backwards, making sure she was still asleep before turning on his heel and making his way to the Prefect's Bathroom not far from Gryffindor Tower.

The journey was quick and easy, no one appearing or slowing Harry down, no Peeves in sight to alert his presence. Soon the door to the room was stood in front of him, a 'occupied' sign plastered along the front. Harry said the password, the door unlocking and opening as he pushed against the handle. It made a creaking noise, not loud in reality, but the night seemed to make everything sound louder than it really was. He quickly shut it behind him, heart racing in his chest and keeping an ear out for any sounds beyond the wood, nothing reporting back to him after seconds of waiting. The hood to the cloak slipped from his head, his dishevelled hair poking out in an array of angles. His glasses started to steam up from the humidity stifling within the room, water trickling filling his ears.

"Draco?" Harry whispered looking around the room to find the Blond male. Harry walked past a block of stalls and finally came across the huge, swimming pool like bathtub where he found the male he was looking for. A few torches were lit along the ceiling, a nice warm glow to the room. Sitting in the pink bubbly water was Draco, with his arms spread out and resting on the side of the tub.
"Finally, it took you long enough. I thought you had stood me up." Draco watched Harry step further into the light, his glasses shining in the glow.

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