'thats odd' | drarry smut oneshot- orphan_account

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the moon hung above the gryffindor common room, illuminating harry's face in a silvery glow. he was sunk in bed, staring blankly at the wall ahead of him, thoughts racing through his head like the waves crashing against the shore. he let out a shaky sigh before pushing himself into an upright position. after a moment's hesitation, he slipped out from under the covers and ambled towards the door.

the hallway seemed deserted and still, and he breathed a tiny bit easier as he made his way past empty classrooms. soon, he would reach his destination - the library. after stepping over the threshold and taking a few tentative steps forward, though, he found that it was too quiet. there were no owls hooting outside or birds chirping cheerfully outside the window, just the usual silence of a school on a cold winter night.

he couldn't find himself feeling quite as comfortable now; something about the stillness around him unsettled him somehow. he continued onward anyways, walking through another corridor with no one around. when he finally reached the library's entrance, he hesitated, looking out across the vast expanse of shelves filled with bookshelves that stretched as far as the eye could see. as he stared, his eyes scanned over the rows and rows of spines, seemingly endless.

a wave of anxiety washed over him and he had to look away; he didn't know why he felt so uneasy being here.

sudden footsteps sounded behind him and his gaze snapped back to where the noise came from. his breath hitched in his throat as he watched draco approach from behind. his hands tightened into fists as he fought against the rising panic that was quickly making its way up his throat.

draco sneered at him, "what are you doing, potter? coming here by yourself?" he taunted, moving towards harry and looming over him. he leaned down until his breath tickled harry's ear, sending shivers down his spine. he was close, so close, his voice whispering right into his ear and sending chills down his spine. he took a deep breath to steady himself but his stomach lurched at the close proximity.

harry remained silent. draco laughed, leaning even closer, "you're not going to answer me?" he said, his tone mocking, "that's very rude, potter. come on." he stepped away from harry, giving him plenty of space to step back. harry blinked, letting out the air he hadn't realized he was holding.

"are you...are you going to leave?" harry asked, his voice trembling slightly. he would never admit it, but he slightly enjoyed the taunting. it wasn't like draco actually expected a response. he probably thought that harry was afraid of him, or intimidated by his presence. the latter was almost certainly true, but harry knew better than to show fear in front of draco, especially when he had such a powerful reputation.

draco scoffed, "of course not. i'm not stupid." he turned away from harry, heading towards the nearest table. harry followed him, keeping a safe distance between them. he sat down at the table, pulling out a book and opening it to a random page. he pretended to read while his gaze traveled across the room, trying to keep his attention elsewhere. he caught draco glancing up from his book every so often, and he could feel a pang of irritation shooting through his chest.

tension slowly grew, and harry began tapping his fingers against the table rhythmically, trying to distract himself from the creeping unease he felt. after a moment, draco closed his book, putting it aside and turning to address harry directly. his expression was carefully blank, and he appeared to be waiting for harry to say something first. harry swallowed uncomfortably and took a deep breath; if draco noticed the slight wobble in his voice, he ignored it. harry did his best not to visibly tremble when he spoke.

"i...well..." he trailed off, fiddling with the edges of the sleeves of his robes. he felt powerless against him, helpless because of how strong draco was and how much power he held over harry, and harry hated it. "i...like you." he forced out the words without wavering, though the words themselves brought on a sharp pain in his chest, the words he'd been trying so hard to push to the back of his mind for months and years. he looked up at draco, hoping the other male wouldn't notice his discomfort. draco's eyes widened imperceptibly, and his eyebrows shot upwards slightly, but then he simply smirked. harry's shoulders slumped ever so slightly.

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