Chapter 2

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I rushed off the school bus and anxiously walked into my new school. I took out my schedule and walked inside, trying to remember it by hard. I soon reached the cafeteria and sat down without grabbing breakfast.

Wooyoung sat beside me. "Are you okay? You look awfully nervous. I could help." He used such a soft and sweet voice as he offered his help.

"It's hard for me to be somewhere new." I sighed, not liking the feeling of such a new place. Another person suddenly sat down at the table with us. Wooyoung sighed loudly in annoyance, it seemed that he didn't like the person sitting with us.

The boy rolled up his sleeves and looked over at me. "Hey, my name is Seonghwa. I noticed you at orientation." I suddenly recognized Seonghwa. He was the guy standing next to Yunho. "Seonghwa, are you an Yunho friends?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, we are. Can we be friends?" He simply asked me.

I nodded happily. This was already my third friend. Wooyoung rolled his eyes, obviously not liking the situation. but I couldn't help but say yes. "You're pretty popular, you know. Someone posted a photo of you in the 11th grade and 12th grade group chat and tons of people were stunned by your looks." As he said this, My eyes widened.

I'm popular? This is too easy. He's lying..right?

"I guess a lot of people find me attractive." My shocked expression turned into a smile. I must be the hottest guy at school if people are complimenting me like this. Seonghwa put his phone by me, offering me a chance to put my number in. I dialed in my number and put my contact as "San".

He's such a pretty guy...


I walked to homeroom and sat down at a desk in the back. "We're in the same homeroom!" Yunho exclaimed in excitement and immediately sat by me. I simply smiled and response, but then continued waiting for the teacher. People were talking about me as I was just sitting there.

"He's so cute!"
"He's too perfect."
"So hot.."

I loved the praise I heard as they were talking to their friends. It made me feel special and untouchable. Yunho told me about Wooyoung's reputation. In fact, he told me about most of the drama in this school. I smirked as I thought.

Sorry if I take your place, Woo, but I can't help it.

You Asshole | Woosan FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora