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Having realized that she had tried to shoot up her school on a Sunday, Hitori felt both relieved and horrified.

Relieved because she hadn't become a mass killer, but also horrified at her own stupidity.

"I'm such an idiot. This whole thing was a mistake, what was I thinking? There is so much to live for. I was going to sacrifice it all for vengeance! Mama, Papa, Futari, even JimiHen who pisses on my clothes, all of them are very dear to me. Even though I don't have friends, I still cherish my family, and wouldn't want them to suffer because of me. God, I am grateful to you for making me a moron."

"I have my guitar; it may not be much but people on the internet say I'm decent at it. If I keep practicing hard, maybe I'll become a pro."

This was the first time in years that Hitori had left her house on a Sunday. Usually, she would spend all day practicing in her closet. She decided to use this as an opportunity to go to the nearby park.

The sun is out and the sky is blue. It's finally a moment of peace for Hitori. After all the stress of planning for her revenge, this feels like a relief. She lays back on the grass and breathes in the crisp fresh air. Finally, she can just let her mind rest. It's so peaceful here.

She closes her eyes for a moment, relaxing completely and enjoying this precious moment of calm and quiet. This moment has made all her problems seem not so bad. Maybe everything will be okay.

Just then, she hears someone scream.

"Ehhhhhhh, Guitar?!"

"You, the one in the pink jacket, that's a guitar, right?"

"Are you a guitarist? What are you doing here? How long have you been playing? You aren't waiting for someone are you? If it's a boy I'm sorry for interrupting your date!"

The sudden barrage of questions flummoxed Hitori. The person standing in front of her was a young girl with yellow hair and deep vermilion eyes. Her long hair was tied up with a ridiculously large ribbon. A giant triangle stood out on the crown of her head. According to Hitori, this was clearly a dangerous person.

"H-how may I h-help yy-you? I d-don't have m-money.", Hitori asked.

"I know this is kind of rushed but I want you to join my band!", the strange girl answered.

"We're supposed to perform today, but our guitarist bailed on us. There's no one else that I can ask. I saw you sitting alone here with a guitar on your back, so I thought why not!"

"This is a breakthrough chance for my band and I don't want to lose it. I know, this must be providence! We were destined to meet! Don't you agree? Right! Let's go and rock the stage."

"But I-uhh have I uhh..."

The girl did not wait for Hitori's reply. She dragged her with the force of a thousand suns and took off towards the clubhouse.

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