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"Eh! Do you really think it will work?"

"This is the only option we have, Nijika-senpai."

"It's worth trying. If it works it will be the most extravagant thing I have ever seen.", Ryou remarked.

"I don't know, but I really want to perform with you. You showed so much faith in me, even though I act weird all the time, I wanted to join a band in middle school but wasn't able to overcome my fears. Even then, Nijika-senpai trusted me, and Ryou-senpai called me interesting, I will not disappoint you too."

"Amazing, you said all that without looking at your phone, Hitori-chan. Also just call me Nijika."

"Yes, we're not in school, just say Ryou."

"O-Ok, I'll start working now."

Hitori pulled out a bunch of zip ties and rubber bands. She placed the gun on the ground, emptied the cartridge and refitted the cartridge onto the gun. She straightened the guitar strings and placed them next to each other. Nijika got some superglue from her room upstairs. Ryou tried to provide moral support.

"Good work, Gotoh."

"Don't just stand there Ryou, come and help Hitori-chan, here, hold the string straight."

"Ah, my shoulder hurts, I think I slept weird last night, sorry Hitori but I can't help you."

"Excuses, excuses and more excuses! No wonder no one likes bassists."

"It's alright, the instrument is almost done. The truth is, this is the first time I've worked together with someone like this, even during school projects I'd end up without a team, so I'd do the projects with my teacher or all alone."

[Thumps chest proudly]"It's alright Gotoh, you've got us now."

"Wow, I didn't think this would actually work, Hitori-chan you're a genius!"

"This looks so cool; you are truly a rocker chick."

The instrument Hitori had devised was a guitar fashioned out of her gun.

A guntar, if you will.

She placed the strings onto the lateral length of the gun, then fixed them into place using rubber bands and zip ties. The bridge was made of an old lighter which belonged to Nijika's sister. The hollowed-out cartridge functioned as the air column, and the amp was connected from her phone's headphone jack.

"I couldn't add tuners so the pitch will probably suffer, but other than that this could work."

"Amazing Hitori-chan, now Kessoku band can finally perform. We can just say that the guntar is a prop we used as a gimmick."

"Great, but what if someone in the audience recognizes this as a real gun. Gotoh could be in big trouble.", Ryou warned.

"I know, we'll say that it's a prop and not mention Hitori-chan's real name. That way even if someone thinks it's a real gun they won't be able to do much about it."



"You said you were all alone during school projects, so your name shall be Bocchi from now on."

"Ryou, that is so rude."

"I love it! Thank you so much Ryou-sama, this is the first time someone has given me a nickname."

"Glad you liked it.", Ryou said.

"..but please don't call me Ryou-sama."

"If Hitori-chan likes it then I have no complains. Anyway, let's get some practice going before the performance."

"Let's go!"


"Wait, wasn't that the name of the girl who bailed on us?"

"Oh, is it, I don't remember."

Will Hitori's plan succeed? Will Nijika's band finally take off? Can Ryou go a day without leeching off someone? Read the next chapter to find out!

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