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The practice was a great success. Apart from a few initial hiccups, Hitori 'Bocchi' managed to gel with her fellow bandmates. Ryou tried to put her off track by randomly changing the beat while performing, but stopped after Nijika scolded her. Nijika was initially apprehensive about Bocchi's ability, but realized that she was a capable guitarist (in this case, guntarist). She was surprised at Bocchi's dexterity.

"Good job Bocchi-chan!", Nijika said.

"The notes are quite jarring, but that is to be expected considering the equipment you're using..", Ryou remarked.

"..still, you're clearly skilled."

Bocchi was beaming with pride. She had never thought that she would be able to play in a band, let alone be good at it. But thanks to the help of her friends, Ryou and Nijika, she had finally achieved her dream.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she said. "We're really going to perform in front of an audience."

"Of course, we are," Ryou said.

"And we're going to be great," Nijika added. "Just remember to have fun."

Bocchi took a deep breath and nodded. "I will," she said.

The clock struck 5 and the moment of truth finally arrived. Bocchi was nervous but excited. She had never been in front of so many people before, but she knew that she could do it. She had her friends by her side, and they would help her through it. She wasn't alone anymore. Even the deepest despair becomes bearable when you have people who love and care about you. Nijika and Ryou were now Bocchi's guides, helping her become a better person.

A total of 13 people had shown up at the venue. Most of them had come here to see the other bands, and some Nijika's friends. The band took the stage, and the small crowd reacted coldly. Bocchi looked out at the sea of disinterested faces, and for a moment, she felt overwhelmed. But then she remembered what Ryou and Nijika had said, and she smiled. This was her time to shine.

The band started to play, and Bocchi lost herself in the music. She forgot about the crowd and just focused on playing her best. The notes flowed through her fingers, and she felt a sense of peace and joy that she had never felt before.

"Playing together with everyone, is so much fun!"

After the performance ended, Bocchi turned to Ryou and Nijika, and they all hugged each other. They had done it together, and they would never forget this moment. Hitori never forgot the day that she first performed in front of an audience. It was the day that she realized her dream, and it was the day that she found her passion.

"Bocchi-chan, you rock! Your improvised guitar will create a new genre of rock!"

"Bocchi's rock.."

"Bocchi the Rock!"


Bocchi the School ShooterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant