PART 1 : Chapter 1

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The train

I fell in love for the second time, With the same person. First time Destined me to death and the second one would be my reason to live. The soft breeze walks with him towards me, and that should be my call to turn back and Choose the path of my own. All I wanted to do was to look at him one more time,  but now that I saw him, The wounds of his absence hurt little more than the wounds he caused.

I took some steps forward, blocking his way unintentionally. The voice comes first and then the smile. "Excuse me." He brushes past me and struggles with his suitcase and bag with him inside the Train. His face hasn't changed a bit, Except his daylight hairs are now night sky. Black hairs that sways a little too dramatically in the air, but The same velvety sepia eyes which could be compared to Jupiter and Mars at the same time. That's when I realized, there's no going back.

I removed my phone as I followed him. The ticket booking app shows my train arriving in thirty minutes. Looking at the schedule board, I changed my destination to Liebetown. My hands shake as the screen loads, and as soon as the ticket gets booked I find my luggage inside the train.  A text disturbs the Chaos inside my brain. "When will you reach?" It reads, I should be thinking twice before replying but my fingers don't wait for me. "I'm not coming home, Mom." The message gets seen as soon as I hit send. I wait for the reply but there's none, seconds later she's offline. I've been making her wait from the past three years, She might be regretting the choice of sending me out of the town for studies. But this time I promise it's worth it.
I sit opposite to Him, Hoping he sees me, He does. My heart does all the dance moves that i didn't know myself, then it stops beating, And i realize that he smiled at me for the second time. I want to smile back but I cannot. The memory of the red hurts my head and my eyes build the layer of water.
My beloved Elion is sitting in front of me with no hint of worry on his face. A beautiful smile as the window lets some rays of sun greet us. This was the ending I wanted for us opposite of what we got. So instead of ending, I'll make this our beginning.
"Should I close the window?" He questioned. His voice does no good for the watery eyes of mine. I look at him with obvious confusion, and he points at his eyes. "Your eyes are all teary, is that because of the sun? Should I Shut  the window?" He questions again. "No." A slight voice escapes my lips, making it sound foreign to myself.  He doubts it, But then ignores the situation completely.
A rush of Nervousness finds me thinking I know nothing of Liebetown or why he's going there, Or why I'm going there. In fact I know nothing about the New Elion. Not even his New name. "What's your name?" I gather up all the courage I have, But the voice comes out shaky and wobbly. He stares at me, "Lucian." That Damn Smile. "What's yours?" He asks for formalities. "Lucas." My eyes refuse to look away from the slightest shade of the dimple on his left cheek. The one that used to be full crescent previously.
"Oh? Lucas? Wow it means 'Bringer of Light' Doesn't it?" His eyes show a lazy excitement. "I don't know. Does it?" My voice comes out as a very uninterested person unintentionally. His smile fades a little but not whole. "Yes it does!" He says with a toothy smile. "Guess what my name means?" The question hangs between us, The ounce of knowledge is something I never carry with me. But I never thought names could be an interesting thing for someone to talk about. After a long pause I nod my head. "You don't know? Oh. Well actually my mom's a writer, so I know things like this, I swear I'm not a nerd." He says with a laugh. I wait for his name's meaning, as if it might be the most precious thing to exist. And it was, for me. "Anddd…My name means 'Light'! He says with a prince bow.
"You." He points at me, "Bringer of Light." Then he points at himself, "me? Light. Funny isn't it?" My silence makes him awkward. I have no idea where I'm going, or who's the man in front of me. All I know is that he's the complete opposite of what he used to be. "Why are you going to Liebetown?" He questions a long time after.
I have no reply for this. "I'm a photographer." It's not a lie, I do photography as a hobby. I thought it was enough but still He waits for me to elaborate. "I'll click some pictures there." He smiles, "I'm majoring in History." That's all he says. No explanation and no elaboration. "Where does your family live?" He asks, Which sounds kind of irritating. Elion was never this talkative, Nor he asked questions that didn't concern him. "Why do you want to know that?" I say with no smile, hoping he won't ask much more. "Oh. Because you're going to sit in front of me for three days, I thought we could be friends." This was something I was not ready for. Three days? I thought this was supposed to end within twenty four hours, and then I can be back to University, Or home.
Instead of replying to him, The next thing I do is remove my phone from my bag and  search for 'Liebetown.'

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