A peek into their lives

432 15 1

Meera Singhania

I am at a party right now and i am loving this. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled my nostrils. I don't do these things but still i love this smell . It makes me realise that I was born for this only. I didn't want to come at first here but now I don't want to go back . As i was dancing with my babe Divya . I felt two dark blue orbs glaring at me not like a normal glare but with smirk.Well he was a handsome man i went to the bar or should i say to him . Yeah being a girl i also have desires. Then we started having some conversation which eventually led us to the dance floor . The music was so loud but we were in our world not caring about other. Suddenly he pulled me so close to him that i gasped . I have already told him to maintain some space as i was not very comfortable with him yet and i have cleared this with him. I was about to shout to shout at him again but what he further did made my breath hitched he grabbed my ass checks and squeezed them a slight moan left my mouth "Ahh". It might be sounding like i was loving this but i wasnt i was so angry at him that my face became so red and then the whole club went silent no music no dance no hooting just pin drop silence . I didn't even realise that i had slapped that guy like I didn't want to but that just came out as my reflex. I like attention but definitely not in this situation. But he deserved it . Taking immediate actions against him i called the police and they arrested him stating the fact that he is a robber
And multiple complaints have been filed against him in the past but he is too cunning to escape every time . I gasped trying to process the new information . Accidentally my eyes went to the gucci watch i wore and it showed me 2:00 A.M . Omg!!! I just have 2 hr. Quickly i went to home bidding bye to friends. I was too tired for all this that I didn't have enough energy to pack my stuff . I can buy the new one when I reach there but my mumma will kill me for this and i am too young to be killed . I grabbed a suitcase and packed my clothes and other things in that and then took my tote bag and placed my essential flight items in that because it's gonna take a long time till i reach there. I quickly removed my makeup and did my skincare because i wanna look good when i meet them then i put my skincare in the bag . After that i slept.
I woke up in a hurried manner as i was already late. After wearing a comfortable yet stylish look for my flight i booked a cab as i have no ounce of energy left in me to drive.  I boarded my flight taking deep breath thinking again about my past .

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Thank you so much ❤️❤️!!!!
Hello guys this is your author . And i am so happy that you at least gave this story a chance. As you all can see this is my first ever story and i am naive so, feel free to give me any suggestions about this . And don't forget to comment if you liked this chapter or not. I will try my best next time. I dedicated a whole chapter to our female Protagonist only because I didn't think it was enough to know our lead in character sketch only because i personally feel that in major of the stories the female lead is fragile but i wanted my women to be strong so i dedicated the whole chapter to her . Not to waste your time .

I will update so soon maybe soon cna be tomorrow.
Love you guys bye . Have a nice day

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