Chapter 14

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The sun beat down on my back on the outdoor basketball court at the KCCSC as the team practiced for a game we'd play in a few days and I didn't care

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The sun beat down on my back on the outdoor basketball court at the KCCSC as the team practiced for a game we'd play in a few days and I didn't care. I was fully focused on the ball, the excitement of starting a new basketball season exhilarating me in a way I couldn't explain if I tried.

Koffi bounced the ball once before throwing it my way and I immediately scored an easy three pointer from where I was standing, the ball gliding into the hoop pumping me up with more adrenaline as the practice game continued.

Coach Limbi (who'd gotten a promotion to the national basketball team after the last coach was found to be involved in his team's sketchy dealings) gathered the team around for a quick meeting before dismissing us to the showers. As Hasani and I walked towards the KCCSC's main building, I couldn't help but notice that his forehead was deeply wrinkled with worry.

"Hey, man. What's with the mood?" I asked. I was pretty sure it had something to do with the recent developments with Nella and Aisha's family, but I didn't want to confidently assume anything. It had only been a few days since the night Aisha spent with me, everything was still fresh and though she was smiling and getting by without randomly breaking down anymore I could tell by the look in her eyes that this whole thing was still weighing heavily on her, unsurprisingly so. If Aisha was so distraught from he whole thing and she barely remembered what it was like living with her father, I could only imagine how bad it must've been for Nella.

Hasani ran a hand over his face and tried to shake off the tension in his shoulders. "This whole thing with Joseph Mujulizi is really messing with Nella. She's not her usual self and I'm worried about her."

I nodded my understanding. "It's definitely quite hard to wrap your head around. Aisha's also been down. I think we just need to let them feel their feelings, though. They're grieving, you know?"

"I know." Hasani said with a shrug. "That doesn't mean I like it though. I just want my wife to be happy."

"Same here." I carelessly said and watched nervously as Hasani stopped in his tracks to turn and look me in the eye.

"What did you just say, Chi?"

"I said same here... as in I want your wife, who's my friend, to be happy too. You know?" I couldn't look directly at him anymore. Sani and I had always been able to see right through each other and I just knew he wasn't buying the nonsense I was spewing.

"Dude." he said with a smirk on his face. "Don't insult my intelligence like that. You just confidently referred to Aisha as your wife."

"No, I didn't." I said, trying to sound a bit more convincing. "At least not in that context, okay? Why would I call her my wife when she's not even my girlfriend?"

"What other context is there for wife, Chi?" Hasani laughed.

"Look, man. I'm telling you I didn't mean it like that." I said, my voice rising a little. "Think about it properly, H! Why would I?"

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