Chapter 20

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later...

Hasani's living room floor was a complete mess, littered with boxes, tape, gift bags, and a few of the toys his baby sister was playing with. I never had an issue with helping babysit Furaha, but on this particularly busy day, a two-year-old was the last thing I wanted to deal with on top of all the directions I had to follow to make sure I didn't mess anything up.

Nella was preparing for a huge event, the official launch of her business, and had asked the whole group to go over and help as much as possible. I was there first, having nothing to do and nowhere to go since Aisha was at work. Apart from a few get-togethers with the guys, Aisha had pretty much become the only person I spent my free time with.

Nella came bustling downstairs and into the cavernous room, her wig only glued on halfway as she frantically looked for something in the boxes near the door.

"Baby." Hasani prompted. "What are you looking for?"

Nella looked up and threw her hand in the air when she noticed us there, looking almost shocked to see people in her living room. "What time did you guys get back? And why didn't you say anything?"

"We just got back in with the last few boxes a few minutes ago." Hasani said, walking to his panicking wife and giving her a hug that she instantly melted into. A tinge of jealousy surfaced as I watched her face relax in response to the simple show of affection.

"What are you looking for, baby?" Sani asked again and I looked away, no longer willing to suffer through their PDA.

"My phone. I can't remember where I left it, but I know I didn't take it back up with me. Now that you're here, please dial it."

"Okay. Got you." Sani mumbled, immediately going to where Furaha was quietly sitting, playing a game. He took the phone from her, but not without some coercion first. Furaha ran to me with her little pink bag over her shoulder and begun to complain about her brother.

"I know, Fufu, sorry." I chuckled as I pulled her into a hug. "I'll make sure he gets you a cupcake later, okay?"

She nodded sweetly and rested her head on my shoulder as she looked at Hasani with a dramatically sad puppy dog face.

Nella's phone started to ring a bit too close to me and all our eyes landed on Furaha's little handbag. I fell back onto the rug laughing as we watched her open the bag and pull out Nella's phone. She actually swiped up to answer the call, so Hasani put his phone to his ear in the doorway.

"Hello?" Furaha said in her adorable voice.

"Furaha. Give Nella back her phone." Sani said, making Furaha gasp and stare open mouthed at him.

We laughed some more and she smiled shyly as she walked to Nella with the phone in both hands. Nella squatted to Furaha's level and smiled widely, pulling her into a hug and keeping her against her.

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