Chapter 16: Cat Scratches

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The door was tightly locked and despite slamming against it while trying his best not to make too much noise, it didn't even creak. The only door that he would want to go through right now was the front door, which wasn't locked.

He was tired as all hell, but he'd be damned if he'd ever go so low as to sleep under the same roof as that bitch. The warm air brushes his face, the weather perfect like always. He hated it.

He walks down the road leading to the well, his footsteps quiet. He listens to the sound of the crickets and insects, and even hears the sound of an owl in the distance.

Something moves in the bushes ahead of him and he stops, staring at it. He squints, trying to get his eyes to see what the hell is coming towards him. Its already too late, because right when he has that thought, that something is tackling him onto the ground in a big hug.

"Ow Deku! You have to stop doing that shit!"

The green haired boy looks at him, his button eyes gleaming. He frowns, clearly apologetic, but still doesnt stop hugging him. Thats when katsuki notices the cat scratches on his mouth. The twine that sowed his mouth shut is ripped, some still hanging around his lips. Katsuki sits up, gripping Dekus cheeks with his hands.

"What the fuck?"

Shoto walks over, his tail swaying in the air.

"Shes growing weaker. He wanted to at least be able to say a few words."

Katsuki glares at him and Deku nods hurriedly. He opens his mouth and speaks.

"Wo...rried... Not.... S... Safe... Ka.... Chan."

His words come out mangled and dry, the result of not using his voice at all. He struggles with the words and his brows furrow, his hand reaching up to his throat and squeezing slightly, frustrated with himself.

Katsuki takes his hand away and squeezes it in his own, nodding.

"Yeah. You were right. Its not safe here."

Deku looks at him and squeezes his hand back. Shoto rubs his body against Dekus torso, purring slightly. He looks at Katsuki blankly.

"She took the key and locked the door. There isnt any way you can leave without that key."

"And finding my parents icyhot."

He corrects him and shoto sighs.

"Yes that too i guess."

Katsuki rolls his eyes and looks at Deku, reaching his other hand out to carefully take the mangled strings from his mouth. The green haired boy flinches but gives him an appreciative smile.

"Theres only one way to get that key. She likes to play with her food. Enjoy it while it lasts, give it some hope before devouring it. Enhances the flavor, or so she says. So play into that."

He doenst look at him as he talks, taking out the last bits of twine out from Dekus skin.

"And how the hell am i going to do that."

He replies flatly. Deku brightens up after Katsuki is finished.


Shoto nods, still against Dekus torso. The nerd pets the cat gently.

"Right. Play a game with her. Shes bound to accept if you offer. Though there is no doubt that she wont be playing fair."

Katsuki is silent, letting the words sink in. Deku stands up, offering his hands to him. Katsuki takes them and the other pulls him up. In his hoarse, gravelly voice he says,

"S...Sleep... Dan... Danger."

Katsuki nods and gives his hands one last squeeze before turning away and hurriedly walking back to the house. Its shadow looms over him when he gets closer to the house. He creaks up the stairs and into his bedroom, glowering at the perfect bed and stuff that cover it. He wonders if they even sleep. They probably just wait in the room, listening to all the sounds katsuki makes.

He glares at the door and takes the small bookcase, pushing it in front of the door. It wouldnt keep the other mother out, and definitely not the other father, but it would wake him up if they tried to move it.

That gave him some piece of mind, but there is something else he needs to check. Kneeling down, he takes a look under the bed. There arent any red button eyes looking back at him, so he climbs into bed and falls asleep. He dreams about what kind of "bet" the other mother would agree to play that would let him get his parents back.

He wakes up the next morning because of the stupid fucking sun shining light right on his face. He doesnt want to wake up, and for a moment, he doesnt even know where the hell he is. In that line between sleep and consciousness, he cant even remember his own name. He turns in his perfect bed and slowly opens his eyes to the orange and black styled room.

His brain barely registers it, and when it does, it realizes that the neatness of the place isnt his own room. That is was created by a monster to lure him into her trap. He gets up, feeling like hes had the best sleep of his life. Another one of her attempts to win him over.

His clothes are wrinkled and dirty from being in them all day yesterday and sleeping in them, so he decides he should probably change. He goes to the other katsukis closet (Thats what he decides to call it since this room isnt his and this place isnt his home) and looks through it.

There are clothes that he wished he had in his own home. Orange jackets, black skull shirts, and comfortable pants. Not the gray, monotone of his school uniform back home. Thinking about the uniforms makes him miss it, which goes to show how much this place fucked him up. 

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