Imagine you are led to Obi-Wan Kenobi...

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Imagine you are a Jedi who survives the fall of the Republic. You struggle to survive, living in the shadows until you are led to Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two of you find comfort in each other after a long period of conflicts... but will it be enough for both of you?

Warnings: drama, soft smut. Reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi's message on episode 2, season 1 "Rebels". Here in this alternative story he's not being prosecuted. I need him to be happy. Therefore this is meant to be a FLUFFY story.

Recommendations: if you, reader, want to feel the fluffiness to the core listen to "A Thousand Years", part 1 &2 by Christina Perri.

No minors.


You are tired of hiding. There is a moment in your life where you begin to wonder the purpose of the roads that led you there. You've been trained in the force half of your life, but when you were this close to become a Master Jedi...

Darkness rose and eclipsed all that was good. Or all that was good for you anyway.

Forced to be on the run, you did encounter a few fellow Jedis. You joined them even, tried to help spark the fire of resistance in those who were not corrupted by the Empire. But after you've lost your friends to the Inquisitor's forces, you've lost your hopes.

You are now a ghost in the world of the living. The witness of the decay of memories that people so easily forget. The Jedis have become a name, a forbidden term few would dare to speak. From peacekeepers to traitors. How great was their fall...

Yet, had the Council not become so vain, perhaps this would have been prevented. Perhaps the Order would remain honorable as it was meant to be.

However, what good does it do in dwelling in what cannot be changed? You are doing better in the shadows... until you remember an artifact that you've recently come across to. Since you are living in an abandoned house, you've learnt to be discreet.

So here you are. The house is obscure, enough to serve your purposes well. You close your eyes and trust in the Force. It opens and a message of Obi-Wan Kenobi is heard.

The message informs the fall of the Order, the result of the rise of darkness casted upon the Galaxy by the Empire. Kenobi also warns the Jedis who might have survived not to go back to the Temple. Have hope, he says.

It ends there, encouraging the survivors to nurture hopes. You open your eyes and holds the object close to you. Then it occurs you to find Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Where are you, Master Kenobi?"

You ask yourself, barely moving your lips. You see him as a spot of hope, the one you've come to lose after years of battles. You are not older enough to have the share of Kenobi's experiences—otherwise you'd have made a Master—nor sufficiently young to be accounted as immature or naive.

Thus it is you begin to prepare for your long journey. After you shower, you dress a white cropped and black pants, throwing a grey cape over your shoulders. Supplies are carefully packed in your bag and now you are finally set to go.

It's strange going to the ship you've carefully hidden it in the ground—if you can call that piece of burnt, abandonment land so.

"Well", you feel weirdly animated by a cheerful perspective when looking at the ship you've proudly "borrowed" from a storm trooper. "It's time to put you in good use again, babe."

You pat it before you drop yourself right into the ship. Thankfully, despite years out of use, there's enough fuel to take you to the planet where Obi-Wan is.

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