Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi's complex the dark side.

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Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi's complex the dark side.

Warnings: drama, angst, violence, inappropriate/adult language—explicit smut and fluff as usual.

Warnings 2: *long* post.

Recommendations: "Lavender Haze" by Taylor Swift; "Yellow Flicker Beat" by Lorde.

No minors.



"When there is too much light", you tell him, "one might lose the sight for it."

"But when there is too much dark", so the red haired male muses, "the fate seems to be all the same".

You tilt your head.

"The whole point is that every excess leads to suffering. Those who claim to possess the true core of goodness are blinded by their vanity, although those who are plunged by darkness is similarly lost."

"Then what should I do?", you detect a hint of misery in his voice.

"I am not the wisest of beings, Obi", you smile candidly. "You're not on your own. You should not pick up the broken petals and try to glue them to what they used to form. No. The damage is done, but it can be mended and transformed in something better."

There is so much to be said, but, to your disappointment, words die in his thoughts. His eyes divert away and the magic is gone.

"Obi?", now he detects despair in your voice.

The Jedi looks back at you. His blue eyes little by little lose the spark that once colored such tempest irises.

An eclipse rises.

"I must depart", it's all he mutters. "Unfortunately I cannot stay, Senator Y/N."

You don't have to say goodbye. Obi-Wan is gone with the wind.


Part I: The Creed.

"You look too sad, Master", Anakin tells him concerned. "This sadness of yours has remained there in your eyes longer than I'd thought it would take. I must say I am concerned."

"This is exhaustion to you, Anakin", Obi-Wan remarks. "I've been working per usual, that is all."

"You have been burying yourself in work since that incident with the Duchess has..."

"It was not an incident!", Obi-Wan snaps at Anakin, who stares at his Master in bewilderment. He sighs before softening: "I just...appreciate your concern over me, Anakin. It's going to be fine. But there are moments when I wonder where this will end. Frankly, it frustrates me that two years later Maul isn't entirely wiped out of the galaxy."

"He's not like any other we faced, Master. That creature is a Sith Lord, therefore we ought to be very careful when dealing with the man", Anakin smiles quietly, eyes filled with comprehension. "But be mindful that grief should not overcome you, after all..."

"Fear leads to anger that leads to hate that leads to suffering", so Obi-Wan completes. "I shall not forget that. It pleases me to see you learned that well, Anakin. I forget at times how good you can actually be."

Anakin rolls his eyes, about to say something in return when the thread is interrupted by Master Windu, who requests Obi-Wan's presence for a mission to planet Y/C.

"It's farther than we had formerly judged", the said Master tells Obi-Wan. "But we understand this is an important mission in order to prevent this region to fall to the Separatists. Apparently Count Dooku has sent a spy to convert Lady Y/N to his side. You must not fail, Obi-Wan."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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