(Flashback) Baby Blues

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I was in a very heated debate with Jamie Hayter.

"Say what you want Jamie, but you're going to lose that precious belt soon. You can kiss your title reign goodbye." I said staring her down

"You really think you can take this? You're the weakest person here. " Jamie said to me

"You'd be surprised what the "weakest" person can do. You can act like The Rabbit all you want, but still remember that The Turtle won the race" I said with a smirk as the crowd started cheering.

She went to punch me, but I blocked it. I put her arm behind her back to the point she cried and I left her on the mat. I saw her title laying in the ring and grabbed it and held it up. The sound from the crowd was deafening.

"I'll see you at All Out Bitch." I dropped the mic and got out of the ring and started up the ramp while greeting fans.

I couldn't believe it, at the next PPV I would have my 1st chance at a title. I was all smiles, as I saw my fiance' smiling and joking with his two best friends.

"That was perfect. You're going to look so good with that title around your waist" He said with a smile.

After the show I was packing my bags up. I changed into some more comfortable clothing, and waited on James who was chatting it up with Dustin and Greg and I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck. We talked for about and hour and then went to our hotel.


The date was Aug 23rd 2022. I stared at the positive pregnancy test. I wanted to cry. This was unexpected, but I was going to take this new journey and roll with it. I kept looking at the test, thinking this was some trick of the eye. I was brought out of my trance by my fiance' knocking on the door.

"You okay?" I heard him ask on the other side.

"Oh yeah..." I said with a stutter.

I opened the door and stuffed the test into my back pocket. I wanted to tell James instantly, but this was a very touchy subject for anyone. I knew I had to tell him, then our boss, and anyone else who I felt needed to know the information.

"What's wrong?" I heard him ask me with a worried inflection in his voice.

"I need you to sit down and close your eyes." I said walking into our bedroom.

"Okay?" He said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hands out." I said trying to hide my emotions.

He sat down and did as I said. I placed the test in his hands told him to open his eyes. I watched as he looked at the test and then at me and back and forth. I was trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Is this for real?" He asked

"100%. Are you upset?" I asked

"Why would I be? This is great. I need to call Dustin and Greg." He was speaking so fast I was standing there confused.

(Flash-forward to Aug 31st)

I arrived at work to explain to my boss, that I had gotten pregnant and there was no way I could compete in All Out on Sept 4th. I held James's hand and was greeted by Trent and Greg as we walked into the building and they were smiling so big.

"Congrats to you both!" They said at the same time

"Thank you." Both us us said at the same time and looked at each other. I slid them both the sonogram photos as if it was strictly prohibited or something I shouldn't have. They both kept looking and I pointed out what was the tiny human, calling my body it's home.

"Keep those hidden, we have to go talk to Tony." I said in a hushed whisper.

They both nodded and we went to explain our predicament and how I couldn't do my match in a week. We found Tony in his office and knocked on the door and he welcomed us in. We explained our situation, and how it was unexpected and I apologized for not being able to do the match.

"You're good. Life is strange, we'll find something to cover for you. Congrats on your pregnancy." He said

"I know this is weird, but I feel like I need to address the fans. I mean I know I'm not a huge name but I owe it to my fans, and company fans in general." I said, hoping I could address things on my own terms.

(Later that night)

"Devi get your ass out here and face me or are you too scared?" Jamie said in the middle of the ring

I walked out, mic in hand and said "Jamie, Jamie, you never know when to quit. You got your ass beat by me a few weeks ago. Do you really want to go through that again?"

"You're so sure of yourself, aren't you?" She said staring down at me

"Actually, I am. I'm sure I could pin you, but luckily for you I'm not going to be medically cleared for All Out." I said with a sigh and the audience let out a sad groan.

"Oh boo hoo. You're not going to be medically clear what a cowards way out." She said sarcastically.

"I'm not taking the cowards way out. Trust me. I have a very good reason on why I'm not beating you and taking your title." I said as I pulled out the sonogram photos and held them up

She looked at me and I looked at her.

"I'm pregnant." I said with a smile and the crowd cheered super loud

She looked at me stunned and I finally broke the tension with a few simple words.

"I'm pregnant, I can't wrestle. I'm missing All Out. I'm missing a lot. But trust me when I say this, when I'm medically cleared I don't care if you have that belt or not. I'll beat your ass. The belt is a bonus." I said as I stepped out of the ring.

I walked up the ramp and walked to the back. I was proud of myself. I quickly went and freshened myself up because Orange and Best Friends had a trios match. I was on commentary for the match. It was the safest place for me to be.


Orange walked out and then Best Friends walked out. The 3 of them walked to the ring and I grabbed a headset and sat down at the commentary. I watched as 3 members from JAS came out. I loved the snarky comments between everyone. I joined in. By the end of the match Trent had "Daddy Magic" pinned and after a kick out Orange was tagged in.

I was watching the match and heard Excaliber say "Devi your baby's father just got tagged in, Thoughts?"

"Lots of thoughts. 1st he's got this in the bag. I may be biased. I feel Orange and Best Friends have this match won." I said with a laugh

"Congrats on the baby by the way." Tony Schivaone said

"Yeah congrats on the baby." Taz said

"Thank you for that. Totally a surprise, but the best kind of surprise." I said

"1. 2. 3. The winner is Orange Cassidy and Best Friends" Justin said

"It's been an absolute pleasure gentlemen. Have a great rest of the night." I said as I put my headset down and walked to greet my boys.

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