Title Tuesday & MIST opportunities

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(Title Tuesday)

We found out, that Jon wasn't cleared to compete against Rey Fenix. Orange was approached and asked if he would be interested in filling the spot.

"Come on Tony, it's got to be Orange. He never got a rematch." Hook

"Yeah, I agree it's a great idea. What do you say Orange "Title Tuesday" tonight on TBS?" Tony

"Um.. I guess." Orange

"If you're not sure..." Tony

"No no I'm.. sure. I'm sure. I'll take it. Happy Birthday by the way." Orange

I sat in the locker room with a smile on my face, this could be his night. It was almost 1 year to the day he won the International Championship. I really hoped for a miracle. He was getting another shot. He deserved this, still as a doctor and decent human I really felt worried for Jon and wished him a full recovery.

We were in the locker room and Calista was sitting in my lap as Dustin & Greg were playing with her. Her little giggles were so infectious.

"You realize this time last year we had just found out about her?" I asked looking over at James

"She's a good luck charm, that's for sure." He said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

(Flashback to 10/12/22)

Tonight my beloved fiance would be fighting for his 1st championship. I sadly couldn't go all the way to the ring, so I walked over to the commentary table and picked up my headset. It was Pac the reigning champion vs Orange Cassidy. I watched intently at the two men fighting to either reclaim glory or gain it for the 1st time.

"So, Bexley what are you thinking so far? We all know who your pick is to win." Excalibur said

"Obviously we all know who I want to win, but it's about who wants that belt more. I know Pac would love to continue to have that belt, but so does Orange Cassidy." I said

"Does it feel odd calling him that?" Tony asked

"What do you mean? That's his name." I said trying not to laugh loud into the mic.

All of a sudden the action spilled out of the ring and up the ramp. Orange was left on the ramp. He started rolling down the ramp, and narrowly beat the 10 count. Pac had Orange in a lock. Orange put his foot on the bottom rope. He was left laying in the ring. Pac walked over to the bell table to grab a hammer, until the ref stopped him. Orange was able to dive out of ring launching Pac into the barrier. Orange finally managed to hit 2 brutal DDT's back to back. "Orange Punch" followed by a kickout at 2. Orange got into the corner and got on the top rope. I noticed quickly that Pac's right ear was bleeding. Pac hurried out of the ring to get the hammer, but was quickly foiled by Danhausen. Pac went and tried to hit Orange with the hammer but wasn't successful and was met with a punch. Orange grabbed the hammer and was looking at Pac and the hammer. He gave it back to the ref, just about the time Pac flipped him over.. 1. 2. kickout. Orange was able to land a solid "Orange Punch" He stood up and stared at the camera and then got into the corner. He landed another "Orange Punch" and quickly went for the pin.. 1.2.3.

I just sat there in shock. I couldn't believe what happened.

"Your winner of this match, and NEW AEW All Atlantic Champion:: Freshly Squeezed Orange Cassidy" Justin announced.

It wasn't until Chuck and Trent came and got me that this was real.

"So..so...so.... He won right? I'm not imagining this?" I struggled to get out.

I looked up and saw him standing in the middle of the ring, holding the belt. I started crying. I looked at all confetti falling. It started to feel real. We all went in to give the people what they wanted... *Best Friend Hugs* We stood there taking it all in, and I felt Orange put his hand on my barely there bump.

When we arrived in the locker room, James sat down and I walked over and he wrapped his arms around my torso.

"You're already Daddy's good luck charm." He said to our child


Rey got in a few good hits. So did Orange. Rey went over the crowd barrier, and Orange went and brought him right back over. He kept slamming his back into the ring post. Rey hit him with an upper cut, but his back was hurt and it meant Orange could hit him with a "Diving DDT" and another DDT. He went for a pin and it was broken at 2. Orange stood up and took his elbow pad off and that meant only one thing, he was going to attempt "The Orange Punch". Rey kicked him and was able to save himself though. He went to go kick again, but he was hurting. That left Orange with "Beach Break" and afterwards he went for the pin. 1. 2. Another kick out. Finally he was able to land "The Orange Punch" and "The Mousetrap" 1. 2. 3.

"The winner of this match, and once again AEW International Champion: Freshly Squeezed Orange Cassidy" Justin said

When the ref handed him the belt he looked and it in shock. He just held it, and finally got out of the ring. He was met by Trent and Chuck and Rocky Romero and Hook. They fist bumped instead of hugged, which I thought was kind of odd. I stood in the back with Calista in her carrier. We got to the back and I sat down in the floor and laid my head against James's leg and held our daughter and watched as Dustin and Greg tossed a handful of confetti up as she kept trying to grab for it.


Trent had a match with Jay Lethal, I was hopeful this would be in his favor. I walked out behind him and Chuck. We stood in our corner and watched as he and Jay traded blows. Jay had Trent on the ropes. I stood there and watched as Trent went from one side of the ring to the other but instead of hitting Jay he caught himself on the ropes and fell to the outside of the ring. I felt metal graze my hand and noticed Chuck passed me a chair. We both did our best to ward off Jeff, Karen and the others of the opposing team. It seemed to work. In the end Trent lost. Chuck and I went and helped him out of the ring.

I was redoing my ring gear, and I took my jacket and started to distress it. I went and got fabric paint and put Calista's hand print in the middle, and put mine and James's in the shape of a heart around it. I was wrestling almost every week, it felt good to have some sort of schedule back in my life. Plus I was happy not just being a side piece for any of my boys, well I still did guest appearances but I was able to also get dirty (which I loved). I had been on a winning streak since I returned from maternity leave. Tonight, I was going to be pushed to the limit since I was fighting Julia Hart from House of Black. I had to get on my head into the game . I trained for anything and everything. I knew her tricks, I just needed to try to figure them out before they were going to be a problem.

It was a hard fought battle, but in the end I lost. It was never easy to lose. I got misted, part of the act was just like both Willow and Skye had I did my make up a little darker than normal. I wanted to make it interesting, so I asked Julia to come up with the design.

Life with Freshly Squeezed (Title might be changed in Future)Where stories live. Discover now