Titles, Drama, Frenemies

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(Battle of the Belts)

James was getting ready, his match was the 1st for the program. I was nervous, but I knew he could handle himself.

The crowd was still on a high from the unannounced arrival of Jon Moxley returning. The moment that Orange's music hit they went even more insane (if that was possible). I was standing in the back and hugged him and lightly kissed him. He returned the favor and kissed our daughter's head.

"Good luck" I whispered to him.

As he was walking down the ramp, Jon was walking up it. I sat there watching as Orange, shoved Jon really hard with his shoulder. In return Jon shoved him, which resulted in him falling and his glasses falling off. Bryan and Yuta had to hold Jon back. Orange threw the backpack with the belt inside of it into the ring and rolled in.

John Silver was doing most of the heavy lifting in the ring. Orange was getting thrown around. He was absolutely getting brutalized. Alex grabbed the belt and while the ref wasn't looking hit him in the face. I thought it was over. He thankfully kicked out. He ended up retaining his championship. I could tell, just from his demeanor he was hurt. He held his title up with pride though.

Calista was so excited to see her daddy come back. She didn't understand anything, but she kept pointing at the belt. Kris walked over and congratulated Orange. She looked as Calista was trying to grab for her belt. She obliged and let her look at it and touch it.

Due to the outburst, Orange and Claudio was made official for the following week's Dynamite.

As I watched the match, it was so chaotic. Orange kept getting thrown around, he even literally flew which was shocking. Both men got pins to the 2 count. Yuta came out, and so did Hook. They both started trying to fight each other, ultimately they went to the back. Orange finally managed to get the pin. He got his belt and got out of the ring. He stood on the ramp as Mox's music started playing and he walked to the ring and Orange looked at the belt and at Mox and rushed into the ring. Mox got the upper hand, and had Orange on the ground. I knew I had to step in, but I did it strategically. My music started but I didn't come out.

"You have to have your girl come save you? How pathetic." Mox said

About that time, I snuck into the ring and grabbed Mox from behind and put him in a submission position.

Afterwards, I helped Orange out of the ring and to the back.

(Day off)

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through comments about myself and noticed some not nice things being said involving my weight, my looks and basically jealousness about mine and James's life together.

I sighed and put my phone down and James walked in just as our daughter looked over from her play mat. She started giggling and making grabby hands and trying to get his attention. He walked over and bent down and played with her. She reached for his glasses and he took them off so they wouldn't get broken. It made my heart happy too see how they interacted. It slightly pushed the rude comments from my mind.

"She's totally a Daddy's girl." I said with a smile

I took a photo of them both playing with the toys hanging. I walked over and laid down opposite them. The three of us were lightly smacking the toys. James took a picture of the three of us. We both turned and faced each other and kissed Calista's head and took a photo. We spent the whole day just relaxing and getting some much needed family time in. We ordered from our favorite local place. The day went by too fast. We both made sure all of the bags were packed and then it was bedtime. Calista was fast asleep before her bed time, she was falling asleep through dinner.

I pulled the covers back and slid in and the words I read still weighed heavily on my mind.

"What's wrong?" I heard James mumble as he wrapped his arms around me

"Nothing.." I said turning to face him

"I know when you're upset and I know you don't like to talk about it, but it'll be better if you say it out loud." He said as he looked in my eyes

"So have you read any of the comments on my posts? Like any that involve you and me and our daughter?" I asked with a sigh

"Oh this is what you're upset about? Jealous people who want to start rumors?" He asked me pulling me in tighter

"Yeah, it's stupid. I try not to pay attention to them, but I can't help it. Like why do people have to be so rude and hateful? I'm not saying it's right or okay but they really need to leave our child out of this. They could say I'm a cheater. Why bring a baby into this drama?" I said almost in tears

"Hey.. hey.. it's going to be okay." He said as he tried to calm me down

Before I could say anything, he was on top of me.

I leaned up and kissed him with a smirk.


I was curled up as much as I could in James's arms. With us both being pulled in separate directions all the time these moments were something I looked forward too.. not just the sex aspect, but just being able to be together with our little family. Just the 3 of us.

"I'm so lucky..." I mumbled as I started to fall asleep.

I woke up the next day to the photos of James and I with our daughter. Which was sort of not something James did, but I knew why he did it. I usually ended up with a joint post that tagged him automatically. The comments were limited, which was a security measure he did for my peace of mind.

After a little bit of down time, we had to get back to work. I was asked to wrestle one of the up and coming talent a week before Full Gear on Collision. I accepted and I wrestled and won. I was a team player, and I lifted the girl's arm to show solidarity.

"You were a great opponent. You'll go far." I whispered to her.

I asked for a mic and was handed one.

"It's great to be here in front of all of you and even if you're watching at home.. you could be watching anything but you chose to spend your night with us here on AEW: Collision. I have a small request, if I could have one of my best friend's and one of the best women in this company and sport to come out. Kris could you come out here?" I said while holding my shoulder

Kris's music hit and she walked out and was offered a mic. We looked at each other.

"I'm here. What do you want to talk about?" She asked

"I have a small question to ask you. I know we are best friends, I root for you every match. I value our friendship. I value our partnership when we team up together. I know you know, early on in the 1st reign of Orange's title he and Trent fought..." I said

"So you want a shot at my TBS Championship?" Kris asked with a smile

"I would like a shot if you would be willing." I said

"You name the time and the place." Kris said

"WHEN you RETAIN at Full Gear. When you're healed and at the next PPV. I would like to have that chance." I said

"When I retain... you'll get your shot." Kris said with her hand out

Instead of shaking her hand we both hugged.

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