Plans & Promos

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James had a limited spot on TV and he went out to cheers thanking him.

"Hey, thank YOU, so um they told me to stay home but i was like nah I'm not gonna do that, championship or no championship I will be here every single week, because I am 'Freshly Squeezed' Orange Cassidy and I do not have a catchphrase"

(At home)

Meanwhile I was a home with our daughter finalizing our weekend plans for a vacation. I was trying to make sure we had everything for our little cabin trip. As James's music hit I looked up with my daughter in my arms and she was looking at the TV and was smiling and squirming. I grabbed my phone and recorded it and sent it to him.

When James arrived home, we spent the whole day relaxing and preparing for our trip.

(At the cabin)

We hurried inside, since the three of us were tired from the trip. Calista was kicking her feet in her carrier and trying to talk. She has grown so much in 4 months. I remember when she was my tiny baby and now she's so chunky and looks so much older.

We bought food for the weekend so we could just be secluded for the weekend. The both of us helped prepare different parts of the meal. I looked over at our daughter on her play mat on the ground. I wasn't paying attention and James pulled me into a hug and kissed me. I blushed.

"We did good creating her." I heard him say

"We really did." I said

We ate dinner. Washed dishes and got ready for bed. Our daughter was fast asleep and we put her in the travel crib. We both looked at the monitor as our daughter slept.

I took it upon myself to break the ice and threw my legs over James's legs. I was sitting in his lap and he looked up at me with a devilish smile.

"You sure you want to do this?" He asked looking up at me

"Does this answer your question?" I asked as I started to grind on his groin


I looked up as I was pinned to the bed and James released me from his grasp. As we both got situated I reached up and and gave him a kiss. I slowly fell asleep in his arms while we were tangled together. He laid his head on the top of my head as I buried my face into his neck. We both fell asleep until our daughter started crying.

"I've got it" I heard him say as he stumbled out of bed and tried to get dressed.

I couldn't believe this was the kind of man I was going to marry.

(Next day)

We both got up and made breakfast and I nursed our daughter. I held her as a plate was slid in front of me.

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

I watched as James sat down as I placed Calista in her high chair. Both of us made small talk while we ate and then we played with our daughter and her giggles were the sweetest things I've ever heard.

"So, about our wedding venue.." I said as I was looking at the photos a friend of mine sent of a place she worked at and it was absolutely beautiful.

"Yeah? Do you have an idea or ideas?" I heard my fiance ask

"So, you know my friend? She works at this place and I think it's absolutely perfect." I said

"Let me see." My fiance asked

"Those are beautiful." He said to me as he rocked our daughter

"Do you have a date in mind? I found the venue, you get to choose the date." I asked wanting this to be a two way discussion.

"So I have an idea, but it's really weird." He said

"I like weird. Let's hear it." I said with a smile

"So you know how they said the 31st of December is 12/31/23?" He asked me

"Yeah." I said knowing where he was going. with this.

"What if like right at midnight we said our vows and had that iconic date?" He asked

"I love it! I mean I really love it!" I said excitedly.

"So venue and date both planned. We just need the guest list, cake, dress and suit. Rings." He said as he passed our daughter to me

Our weekend getaway was very productive. We got everything accomplished. I was pleasantly surprised everything went swiftly. Sadly James had to go cut some promos and I chose to stay home since they were simple and didn't feel the need to be there.


Renee was interviewing Hook and Orange slides in...

"Orange Cassidy.. Hi" Renee

"Hey." Orange

"What's up? Renee

"I don't know. I'm just walking around and saw Hook was mad about something. What do you gotta be mad about? You're here, you could wrestle, you don't have tape all over your body and you have a championship. I used to have a championship." Orange

"You were a great champion." Hook

"Thanks man, you are too." Orange


Collision Promo

Renee was interviewing Hook again and Orange slides in...

(Hook passes Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos bag to Orange)

"We should, ahh.. We should do a tag match or something." Orange

"Yup" Hook

Life with Freshly Squeezed (Title might be changed in Future)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang