Untitled Part 5

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I got the call the week after we got back that my doctor had cleared me. I was so happy, but also worried. I started training again and

(Grand Slam Rampage)

Kris walked out and Orange walked out casually behind her. Behind him Hook. They walked to the ring and then their opponents I was waiting backstage with Chuck & Trent. Calista was fast asleep in my arms. I kept watching the screen and when I saw Jake pull Orange down I got so upset. I watched until I saw Anna Jay, Cool Hand Ang, and Daddy Magic and Orange, Hook, and Kris all linked for a triple suplex. It was a great show of teamwork. I watched Orange got the pin.

Later that evening it was the tag team match to challenge MJF & Adam Cole for their titles.

"You two have this. I feel this is your moment." I said smiling before Chuck & Trent went out to the ring.

It really was anyone's game, each one of the tag teams involved were capable of winning. Trent and Chuck both worked well together. Chuck got low blowed, and pinned but Trent was able to a intercept it. It didn't matter in the end because Chuck ended up being pinned anyways. After the match, I was disappointed that my two friends didn't win. Matt & Mike started attacking Chuck and Trent and I ran out and grabbed a chair and retaliated against the two of them.

"Don't touch my friends." I said to both of them.

I quickly went and got my friends up and helped them to the back.


I was making my return tonight, I was nervous. I paced back and forth, whispering to myself positive things.

(Music: Insert link to Exposed by CLUB DOOM)

I walked out to my entrance music and the roar of the crowd was amazing.

"Introducing 1st accompanied by Orange Cassidy & Best Friends.... : Bexley!" The announcer said

I walked and interacted with the fans. It felt so good to be out in the ring again. I climbed into the ring and got on the ropes. It felt so much like home. After so many months away the fact that I could still have the crowd react this way made my heart swell. My entrance music stopped and Anna Jay's music hit.

The bell rang and we both went after one another. Anna had me by my hair and slammed my face into the turnbuckle. She tried to pin me but I kicked out. I hurried to get to the top rope and Anna came at me and I hit her with my knee. I wanted to do something special, so I decided to do my fiance's iconic move "Kicks of Doom" and the audience seemed to enjoy it. Anna grabbed my leg and pulled me down. She had my arm twisted behind my back and I was freaking out. It was either tap or try to get to the rope, so that's what I did I slid my boot over to where it was barely making contact with the rope, but it counted.

Anna was highly upset, and she was becoming more aggressive. Two could play it that game. She climbed up to the top rope and before she could do anything I punched her. I wrapped my arm around her neck and flipped her onto the mat. I went for the pin but it was a kick out at 2. I sighed. I couldn't give up now, I wasn't one to stop and give up but now that I had a little girl it hit differently. I was knocked from my thoughts by Anna's boot slamming into the side of my head. I grabbed my head and attempted to get up. I was sore but I had to keep going. I slammed my opponent into the corner and attempted a "Swinging DDT". It was one move me and Greg worked on and I didn't feel that comfortable that I would successfully pull off. The smile I had on my face would be all over the internet afterwards. I climbed up once again but Anna was able to stop me and punched me and pushed me over and I landed on the floor, but my right temple and above my eyebrow hit the steps and it was sliced open. I winced. I put my hand on my head and felt the blood. It hurt, and I as a doctor should have stopped but it just made me angrier.

Aubrey came out of the ring and asked if I wanted to continue. I nodded my head and got into the ring. I was breathing hard. Anna ran at me and I moved. I stood and evaluated my situation. She turned around and that's when I did a running knee and then "Half/Half". I pinned her and when I heard the bell ring and saw Orange, Chuck and Trent with little Calista wrapped up and tucked in Trent's jacket coming to the ring. I was sitting in the middle of the ring and crying. I watched as Orange bent down and lifted his shirt a bit and wiped the still fresh blood off my face.

"You did so good." He whispered to me

I just put my bloody forehead against his. He helped me up and I was embraced in a Best Friends hug. I was helped out of the ring and I went around and made sure to thank and interact with fans on the other side as I left. I went back to the medical bay and they cleaned up my wound. I sat there listening to everyone tell me how proud they were of me. I took a selfie of my bandage and disheveled look and posted on my social media with the caption "The Before. The After. It feels so nice to be back in the ring."

I saw Greg posted a video and when I found out, it was of my match. I sat there and watched the slight smirk that was on James's face when I attempted to copy him. I saw Dustin grip his shoulder as a means of support. When I attempted to do the moves that both Greg & Dustin taught me I could hear the pride in their voices.

"She's a natural. For all that worrying she did of not being good at it in practice she pulled it off perfectly." Greg said

I couldn't believe how lucky I was, to have such amazing and supportive friends who not only cheer me on but fight over holding my baby. Plus knowing if I ever got into a fight they would be right there with me. I smiled.

"I love you guys." I said

We sat around talking, and soon it was Chuck & Trent's match against Matt Tavern & Mike Bennett (yet again). As we were walking to the front, I saw Calista stick her hand out and lightly slap both of their hands. James was ahead of us and recorded a short video of the event. She lightly slapped their hands and started laughing.

"I think she's saying good luck fellas." I said as I smiled.

I watched as they both walked to the ring. Calista was squirming around trying to see what was happening. The whole match was crazy. I watched as Chuck & Trent had the upper hand, then lose the momentum. I watched as once again they were low-blowed and the ref didn't see it.

(Wrestle Dream)

Orange & Hook were in the running for a shot at the tag team titles. I had high hopes for them, but at the same time it was really anybody's game.

Life with Freshly Squeezed (Title might be changed in Future)Where stories live. Discover now