the end.

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I don't know, maybe I'll try to reconnect with my old, dear friends.

Well this is it, it's time to finally snap at Duncan. I hope he waits for the time to come, when I'm ready, when I recover. It'll just be a while. A little while. Just let me break down again.

I'm back. Hey, I guess I'm ready. But Duncan beat me to it. I hear a doorbell. I'm scared.

"Hey, actually BEFORE YOU SPEAK, I have some things to say to you first. I LOVED you Duncan, you were the ONLY GUY I cared about. But what did you do? Let me guess. CHEAT ON ME? WITH MY NEW " FRIEND"? But that's not all, you said sorry. You were only sort because I found out. I'M NOT SURE I CAN REALLY FORGIVE YOU NOW. You hurt me Duncan, a LOT. you're the reason I sob most of the time. You're the reason I went crazy. You're the reason I have anger. You're the cause of all this. WHAT DID I DO WRONG? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY IT? I'VE TRIED HARD TO FORGIVE YOU, BUT YOU NEVER LISTENED TO WHAT I WAS SAYING. YOU JUST CHEATED. YOU COULD'VE SAID YOU WERE DONE. The time had come for me to finally say this. I DON'T FEEL SAD, OR GUILTY. I feel truthful. I NEVER ONCE BETRAYED YOU. I SUPPORTED YOU IN EVERY OPPORTUNITY YOU GOT. AND THEN IT HIT ME. YOU DIDN'T LIKE ME ANYMORE. DUNCAN, I HAVE TO LET YOU GO. AT LEAST FOR A WHILE." I snapped.

He said, "Well, I don't have much to say anymore. Thank you, and I'm sorry. I'll be here to wait if you ever need me"

My heart dropped.
Was he this patient?
Would he forget? And move on without me?!

I said, "Please just wait for me, We met each other. Right person, but just the wrong time. When the time comes, we could just.. Start over?"

"Well... Sounds alright. I promise I'll wait on you. Sorry for my wrongdoings, But I'll forever check up on you."

"Thanks. For now, we'll go our seperate paths."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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