Falling for a General~ -{Last Chapter!}

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A couple of years had passed and I fell in love with Pierce I had now known him for 5 years and I just couldn't help falling in love with him and I think my little brother Asch started to notice too because he always whispers something to pierce and he always turns his head to look at me. 


One day Pierce had bought Y/N flowers and asked him out and he said yes and a couple of weeks later Asch found out and began to make sure Pierce was never going to break his brothers heart although Y/N get reminding him he was dating Ava and Noi, Leif and Rhys were just single. 

Years passed and Y/N and Pierce got married and had 5 kids, yes you heard me 5 children there were 3 boys and 2 girls the boys were older than the girls Y/N named them:

Son 1: Clay

Son 2: Gregory

Son 3: Charlie 

Daughter 1: Rose

Daughter 2: Pierca

And they lived happily ever after!

The End!

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