The start of self discovery

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~ Luna ended the conversation with the fawn, went home and slept on it ~

So first off, last night I had a conversation with a fawn, I brought it home with me, now its in my garden, and the time is 6.30 pm, I wish this was a dream honestly - I mean all if this is too unreal, and nothing makes sense. But if I can talk with a fawn, can I talk to other animals? I should try, whats the worst that can happen? - them answering back too?. Maybe this is some type of self discovery you hear about on the tv, but just double as extreme as others, maybe reading up on self discovery would help me - it probably would.

~ Luna goes to her computer, and searches about self discovery, but gets disturbed by ~

"Im hungry, Human, Feed me", Did it just tell me to feed it, im not its mother, also it ain't emptying my fridge, also I don't know what those eat, I guess vegetables will do, let me just throw them out there - and done "now don't disturb me, I gotta do self discovery, probably something you don't know what is or means " I said to the fawn thinking I was right about it. "Well let me help you a bit, you can talk to me, you discovered that, now wont u play with me or something, im bored" It answered back, thinking I should probably name it; If it doesn't have one yet of course. "You got a name?" I aked it, and surely it didn't have one, I don't even think it knows what a name is, but lets not jump to conclusions yet.

~ Luna goes out to the fawn, talking to it about names, and decides to name it Zevi, but he wasn't interested in that, due to seeing something. ~

"That tower there? Is it yours? Whats in it? Why is it here"? Zevi ask me, but I don't know, it wasn't in my contract, and I never went in to look, I got no reason to, it can care for itself - if towers do that, also it's a clock tower, I use it to see the time when im at home, no need for a clock or watch when I got that. "Look it wasn't in the contract, let alone did anyone tell me about it, and its surely caring for itself, I got no reasons to know whats in it, or why its here", Is he stupid, I mean someone probably built it , and then moved surely, its not many people that likes dark and scary things you know.

"Thanks for the name, by the way, human I guess until u have done that self discovery" It says to me, does it now I got a name too? Ill make a sign later so it learns, its not time for that now, but he really associates me with those, humans? "Zevi, by the way, if u want you can see whats in the tower, I got no interest, but suit yourself" I said, knowing it can open the door, as he doesn't have hands, he will probably use weeks trying to open it, ha what a fool he is.

~ As Luna walks back to the house, to continue on with her night, she hears a sound so she turns around, and see's the door to the tower open ~

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