Raziels Work

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I was in disbelief, it's an animal, how - I mean he has no hands only 4 hoofs, he couldn't have done it, someone must have helped him, well I guess I gotta get some wood and make a fence in front of the door, and make sure Zevi cant come in, I mean we don't know whats in there or who for that matter.

~ Luna gets some wood, and tools to make the unplanned fence, but keeps having the feeling someone has to be helping Zevi ~

"Now if u don't mind, ill go in and finish my studies on self discovery, I gave you food, and you opened a door you should never have touched, you caused enough today " damn, a fawn, he is too much today - was he trying to say he is not fully a fawn or not? Because that's only in fairytales you hear that.

Maybe self-discovery is something done overtime, I don't really need to study it, but I just gotta find out what and who I am, because something isn't right, I am not right.

Why cant I stop thinking about that door, and what Zevi did, It wasn't him, it couldn't have been - someone had to be helping him, even if its help from above, yes I mean from an archangel, they help animals too, well I am sitting right in front of my computer - I could research some of the angels and see who it might be.

To be frank, I'm experienced with archangels, I'm just confused who it fully could be, so I just gotta find his name that's all or their name I guess.

~ Luna starts searching for arch angel names, and one name sticks out to her ~

Raziel! Of course its him, why tho, why would he do this? For the past years that I've lived here I never once thought about that weird tower, its that stupid fawns fault, if it didn't ask then I wouldn't think of it.

And why does he care? He is new here, he just moved in to my garden, its my home, not his - he should know how to respect me and my place, but clearly don't.

Raziel, keeper of all magic, as if. Magic is not real, its just something people in the tv make up and make kids believe its real, then when they grow up they find out its all fake.

Anyway let me find some crystals, so I can put them on my alter, and connect with Raziel, I saw his work and what he just did, I cant let him, I'm not ready to go into the tower yet.

~ Luna gets her Clear Quarts and her Amethyst out , and puts it in the center of the alter, with things reminding her of Raziel in a circle around the two crystals ~

Now I just need my fountain pen, coffee stained 40 gsm paper, Indigo ink - since its Raziels associated color, a feather and my Citrine, Rainbow Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli and my Celestine, charge them and then write my letter to Raziel.

~ Luna writes her letter, burns the edges, folds the paper to a perfect 60x60 shaped paper, lays it on top of the middle crystals on the alter, and lights a Indigo candle, and then just waits for Raziel ~

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