Ravens hour

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"Uh what is this? Where did all these ravens come from owner?" owner? Well I guess I'm his owner, I'm not sure what he is talking about tho, what came from where? Might as well go out and check what he is meaning, maybe not everything is at should be.

~ Luna goes outside, and sees the garden filled with both dead and alive ravens ~

Huh? Did Raziel already answer? But it was only 2 minutes ago I did my so called "offering" to him, it usually takes like a day for them to answer.

But they are literally everywhere, there's not even one spot of grass free, besides where Zevi was standing - no raven could be under him, but where did they come from? Who sent them? I mean this cant be a coincidence that they are in my garden - as if u filled a whole room with three university classes, but standing up.

"your good at researching, why don't u search what it means? Or if anyone could be behind it?" well yeah I'm good at it, but a garden filled with ravens doesn't mean a single thing, and who would send them, how would they know its here, what if they flew wrong?, well I guess I see what he means but still.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and search, but I have other things I need to do, I need to make new sets of candles, also I'm low on soap so I gotta make that too - Homemade things are the best in my opinion, and I find it calming and relaxing to make things for myself.

~ Luna decides to go back indoor, and this time search about ravens - their symbolism, and gods - different mythologies ~

Norse god - Odin, Greek god - Apollo, Egyptian god - Nephthys, they don't even have anything in common, but oh lets see more about them.

So in Apollos case it's a symbol of his anger, its said that they once all were white birds, but after delivering bad news to Apollo, he scorched the wings of the ravens, so going forward they were black.

For odins case not only do they embody mental power of Odin, but they are also messengers and Odins tellers - storytellers.

And last Nephthys case, since she is the Egyptian goddess of Dead and is the overseer of funerary rites, it often depict with crows or ravens.

So with that I'm most likely to go with it being Odin, he probably wants to tell me something but what I don't know, could he be working with Raziel? Most probably.

Is this still about that tower? I think they would understand what me putting a fence in front of the tower means, and if they see every thing, then they would see it and understand why I put it there - It shouldn't be that hard to understand, I don't want to be apart of anything related to that tower. Yes its in my yard, and belongs to me know, but I didn't built it, ergo it doesn'tbelong to me, but the ones who built it - and not me, Its that easy to tell and it should equally as easy to understand.

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