Pick up baby

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I called the elevator, knowing my bags would be too heavy to carry up the stairs. I decided to stay at a hotel the next few days so i can have some time to myself. Before going to sleep, i got a call from Damian.

,,Are you okay, i heared you fought?"

,,i'm not okay, i feel terrible"

,,where are you Gia?"

,,i am at a hotel"

,,you could have just came to my place. Rhea is dead worried about you!"

I rolled my eyes at what he was saying. Now she knows how i am feeling lately. After making sure i was safe Damian let me get off the phone. Feeling disgusting i put myself to sleep.

The next day i woke up with numerous texts and calls from Rhea


,,where are you?"

,,i'm sorry Baby"

,,please pick up i'm worried"

,,pick up Baby"


Yeah, she better be worried. I ignored her messages, not wanting to have anything to do with her right now.
Normally i would get in trouble for that but she's not here to punish me anymore. I stood up and took a look in the mirror. My face was swollen from crying and my dark circles were deeper than the dark web. Taking a few things out my bag i decided to get into the shower. The blue bathroom tiles were way too bright for my eyes and the light too yellowish. I for sure prefered the modern black and white furniture at Rheas but well, you can't have everything. I got into the shower, gasping at the water being colder then i expected. Feeling the freezing water run down my skin, hips, breast, i thought of Rhea. It reminded me of how she would carry me to the shower to clean up after fucking my brains out. The first time she made me cum and was so fucking loving and considering that i never wanted to think bad about myself ever again. I always struggled with self esteem but when i got with Rhea it got worse. I was constantly worried that people would view me as the uglier girlfriend or that Rhea would eventually break up with me. She fucked every doubt i had about myself out of me. I love Rhea, miss feeling her skin against mine, having her touch me and whisper sweet little nothings in my ear. If only the drugs weren't there. ,,i can see you're not comfortable Baby, it's okay if you don't want to" she used to tell me that when i denied her. Often it would frustrate me, it's not like i wasn't needy for her but it was as if there was a blockage in my head which just couldn't let me do it. Everytime us two went as far as kissing we had to Stop. I remember every single detail about that night, back when she used to make me cry in a good way. The best way possible. That special night i just forced myself to take it and closed the space between us, connecting our lips into a kiss. Her hand rested on my cheek as she deepened our kiss. Her mouth traveled down to my collarbone, yet i didn't stop her. This tingling sensation that i never felt before was rushing trough my body and i couldn't help but moan at her hot tongue against my skin. Her hands creeped under my hoodie and i gasped as she squeezed me trough my bra. Rhea would pull away every once in a while, making sure i was alright. I nodded for her to continue, sitting up so she could take off the piece of cloth easier. Her eyes lit up at the sight of my light pink bra and even now when i close my eyes i can still hear her teasingly saying ,,so cute, is that for me?" She would run her fingers over the soft material of my bra before looking deep into my eyes ,,as pretty as it looks, i think it'll look better on the floor" her dirty tongue always managed to make me blush like crazy. Then a banging on my door made me snap out of my toughts. Realising i just sat in the shower for about twenty minutes doing nothing, i turned off the water. Wrapping myself with a towel, i went to open the door.

,,Dom? Uh- come in, i just.. lemme get dressed"

Dom sat at the kitchen counter while i put on some clothes. I did find it quite irritating that he just came without asking since i never liked him that much anyway. He would take Rheas attention from me and she would shush me for disturbing their convos.

,,So, what did you wanna talk about?"

I leaned into my palm, ready to listen to him talk about how i should come back home and how Rhea's not a bad person at all BLAH BLAH BLAH. And that's exactly what he said.

,,I- I've never seen her cry like that before. She needs you Gia, please"

I let out a sigh. Dom continued

,,she promised she'll stop with the pills"

I looked up at him.

,,She did?"

Rhea never really promised me she'll stop, she hates empty promises.

,,Come back with me Gia"

Not quite convinced yet, i denied.

,,i'm not ready to see her yet. But if she manages to stay clean till end off the week i'll go and meet her"

Dom's eyes lit up. If he was rooting for our relationship like this, did i really need to be worried about him stealing my Girlfriend?

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