sweetness (part one)

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The whole car ride was a mess. Rhea kept saying the most unhinged stuff and i started to think she did this on purpose. Those foods must have had something cuz shit, i was getting hotter every second.

Rhea pulled into the parking spot of her own house. No roommates or neighbours to disturb us now.
I reached my hands out as she opened the door for me, picking me up and carrying me to the front door. This was gonna be so good~. By the look in her face i could see that she was holding back. I knew very well that as soon as we get upstairs, she'll do what ever she wants to me.
She unlocked the door quickly, letting me down again.

"Go upstairs Baby, take everything off and wait for me on the bed yeah?"

I nodded, excited to submit to her again after such long time. To be honest, i didn't even care for this to be about my pleasure. I haven't felt Rhea for so long. After i undressed i sat down in her bed, i haven't been here this naked for a long time. It's such a weird feeling to be honest.
Eventually Rhea came back in only her underwear. Her eyes wandered up and down my body, as if she was trying to memorize every single curve and pore of it. She crawled onto the bed, pushing me onto my back, as she went to sit on my lap. Looking up to her from below felt so unreal right now. This is something we both needed. Something we both craved. I don't know what could have gotten us this desperate for each other.

"You look so beautiful~"

Rhea carassed my cheek, each of her legs on one of my sides. Her other hand reached for my waist and she finally leaned in to kiss me. Her lips as sweet as the last time. I whimpered at her soft touch, trying to take in the sweetness. It was killing me. The despair was killing me cause no matter what she would do, i would still crave more. I wanted it hard, fast, passionate. But most importantly, i wanted to feel her, taste her, smell her. I missed her so much, now i need to make up for it.

Rhea was just as much in need as i was. Her hands roamed my body as she sucked and kissed at my neck. I pulled her closer, wrapping my legs around her to hold her as tight as possible.
Her skin felt warm against mine and i nuzzled up into her chest.

"Can i please?!"

I whined as i tugged on her bra.
Seeing how desperate i am, Rhea slipped the black bra off.

"fuck, they look so good~"

I bit my lip at the sight. Rhea's boobs were my favourite body part of hers, right after her thighs. It seemed as if she read my mind, cause she brought her chest closer to my face, pressing my face in between her pillowy breasts.
I moaned into her soft boobs before placing kisses all over them.

"Yeah baby, you love these don't you~"

Rhea pulled me away by the hair, making me gasp as she slapped me across the face lightly. I looked up into her eyes before latching onto her boobs again. The corners of her mouth curled into a smile as she watched me suck on her fat tits. My expressions changed to confused when she pulled away. I observed how she rolled off of me, pulling down her panties quickly before getting back on top of me. Now we were both naked. She got as close to me as possible, just to hold me for a while. I couldn't help but whine in anticipation. Her breasts were pressed against mine and i could feel her thigh between my legs.

"I am sorry i didn't hold you close like this when you needed it.."

Rhea ran her hands up and down my sides teasingly as she started moving against me incredibly slow. Her mouth was basically glued to my neck as she kissed and nibbled at it. My breath picked up and i closed my eyes at the feeling. It wasn't much, but alone the fact i was so close to her again made it feel incredible. Rhea picked up the intensity of her movements, holding onto my shoulders for support. My eyes were closed the entire time, my hands gripping at her muscular back as she rocked me with her. Her skin was hot and together with the heat in my own body we were burning up.

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