The weekend

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Eventually the week passed and it was the day i was supposed to see Rhea. I spent the last days at the hotel, with Liv even visiting me once too make me feel better. Stressing about time i let my makeup bake while picking out an outfit. Damian and Finn arranged our date and Rhea was supposed to pick me up at 8pm. I only had 15 minutes left till she would knock on my door pleading for me too come back. Or maybe she hated me and wouldn't? After putting my earrings in i made sure my teeth weren't stained with lipstick. I looked down, feeling guilty. Rhea's job isn't easy, should i really have forced her to Recovery? I Just want it to be like before again.
My thoughts were eventually disturbed by the ringing at my hotelroom. Quickly, i rushed to open the door.


Rhea was standing there, barefaced with only mascara and lipgloss, a bouquet of white tulips in her hand too.

"I need to get my bag, please wait at the door.."

Rhea nodded and i closed the door quickly. Now i was really freaking Out. She got flowers? Ugh, i am horrible! I grabbed my bag and für, walking towards the door. Rhea and i walked to the elevator, awkward silence filling the air.

When at the car she opened the door for me, letting me slide into the seat comfortably. I took a deep breath before she got inside too. This will be instense and very emotional.

"I.. i wanna thank you Gia, for giving me another Chance AND for looking Out. I also wanna apologize, i really do. You're not a bitch. Never in the time we were together had i tought anything bad about you. I am willing to change for you, for us."

My words weren't enough to describe what i was Feeling. Guilt? Sadness? Deep gratitude? Her effort in making me happy was Always something i was grateful for.

"I'm glad you're willing to change Rhea. Please remember that i am not your enemy. You're my Love, even if i needed to distance myself from you. Are you.. are you alright with being by yourself at the moment?"

Rhea kept working the steering wheel, driving carefully and responsible.

,,I actually live at Damians for now. The boys visit everyday to check up and Damian makes sure i'm not doing anything stupid. It's half a pill now, but it's gonna be less soon, i promise"

I smiled, seeing how hard she is trying. Damian was always there for us just like a big brother. He really supported our relationship and i was very glad he was helping Rhea so much

Arriving at the restaurant the waiter brought us to a table. I looked at Rhea. She is so beautiful that i don't want to take my eyes off of her. It was really difficult to be distant from her like this, tho it was better for my own self. The way Rhea acted gave me hope that maybe it'll get better.

"What do you want princess?"

I looked up at Rhea and noticed how her expression Fell

"I- i'm sorry, i shouldn't have-"

"No Rhea, it's not like we broke up. I know you Love me, even if you didn't say it back. Don't think i expect you to feel nothing towards me. It wasn't my goal to get rid of you, i love you the same as before, If not even more"

Of course the waiter came in that Moment, making Rhea blink the tears welling up in her eyes away.

"Hi, can i get you something to drink first?"

Rhea looked at me and i nodded.

"Two herbal teas, no sugar please!"

Having ordered the drinks we looked at the menu for food. I was glad that Rhea didn't try to order any alcohol. We have this thing where we always drink tea at restaurants but i was worried she might order alcohol to make up for the lack of other drugs.
I watched as she eyed the Menü, smirking to herself.

"I saw that they have very Special desserts~"

I looked for the dessert section of the menu. Nr.136: chocolate dipped strawberries in chilli and pomagranate seeds on fig jelly. That sounds nice..

"I'll take number 136!"

"Good, i'll take the ginseng pudding with maca brownie~"

That's funny. All those ingredients sound so fancy. Heh.

"What about the real meal?"

"The real deal?"

I laughed, that's alot of food.

Looking trough the menu we decided on fenugreek curry and roasted chicken with asparagus. The main dishes were very good, but the dessert was what we were most excited for.

I watched Rhea enjoy her brownie and pudding, while I nibbled on the chocolate strawberries. The chilli and pomagranate seeds made it taste even better, not to mention the fizzy fig jelly! Rhea sipped on her tea, taking bites out the ginseng pudding.
She looked at me trough her eyelashes and I did what i Had to do.

"So, are you coming to my place?"

Now we were Just two women with the Same plan. Two women with the Same needs.

"Fuck yeah" she muttered under her breath and i couldn't help but smirk.

We hurried up with eating, leaving quickly after we were done paying

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