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It can be their laugh.
Or their eyes.
It can be the way their smile
brightens seas of people.
It can be their kindheartedness
and how they treat people fairly.
It can be their ambition
or perhaps their lack of—
their need to live in the present.
It can be how confident they are
or how timid they might be
until the proper circumstances reveal how
bold they can be.
It can be their intellect or
how soft-spoken they seem until fury gets the better of them.

It can be how they walk with their head held high,
it can be how they leave everyone with a sigh.
It can be how strong they are,
alluring people who can captivate the eye.
They can have pretty hair and scintillating eyes,
Eyes that hold stars and galaxies like yours.
Or maybe they can hold jungles and oceans.
Maybe they'll carry embers or mixtures of soil and pine trees.

It can be how gentle their touch is
or how rough it can be.
It can be how they aren't afraid to voice their needs,
how they aren't afraid to express I am what they need.
It can be their pretty words that only carry empty promises,
it can be how their words can carry such sharp truths.
They can be someone who says just the right things to ensure,
or someone who'll inspire a domino effect needed to acquire.
It can be someone as gentle as the sea or as warm as ice.
It can be someone who is as illuminating as the moon,
someone who is too far but burns like the sun.

It can be someone.
Just not you.
I beg.
Please come by
And take this heart.
This foolish heart.

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