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My brother and his wife are arriving tonight. Upon hearing this news, my mother and father requested the most outstanding cuisine specialties that our chefs were able to prepare. It was always like this, they wanted the best for my brother. For me there were leftovers.

There was still a lot of time until the evening, so I prepared coffee in my favorite mug with a dog on it and went back to my room to study.

Bzz, bzz, bzz...

Bzz, bzz, bzz...

A second message flashed on my phone screen, and I attempted to brush it off, choosing to ignore it.

Bzz, bzz, bzz...

Wearing an expression of frustration, I grabbed the phone to check the identity of the persistent caller.

A few messages from my friends in the group and... Ares.

I immediately clicked on his message.

Ares: "Hey sweetie, what are your plans for today? :)"

Like an idiot, I started smiling at my phone after seeing his messages.

Me: "I'm studying, I advise you to do the same if you want to pass the trial exams ;)"

Ares: "Yes, ma'am :)"


After a few coffees and hours of studying, I decided to take a break.

"Elijah will be there in a moment..."

I murmured to myself while glancing at my watch.

Ding dong

The doorbell rang, it must be my brother.

As I approached the door to open it, I was met with the sight of a stunningly attired woman—Rosie. Her graceful figure was adorned in an exquisite purple dress, complemented by her immaculately styled ginger hair. Beside her stood my brother, equally refined in a well-fitted suit, his brown hair sleekly brushed back.

"Good afternoon brother, Rosie"

I said in a respectable voice.

"Hey sis, keep it simple. We are family!"

Elijah smiled pleasantly.

"How are you, Jasmine?"

Rosie asked out of politeness.

"I'm fine, preparing for my exams"

I replied, leading them down the hall to the living room where my mother and father were waiting for them.

"Jasmine! Why aren't you ready yet? Your brother has already arrived, go upstairs and get dressed immediately!"

My mother replied in a quick tone as she approached my brother.

"Oh my, I haven't seen you for a long time my child!"

My mother said in a falsely pleasant tone that made me shiver.

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