Ruby Rose & Y/N Geto.

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Legends. scattered through time. has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past.

Man, born from dust, was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness — creatures of destruction — the creatures of - set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's brief existence to the void.

However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named "Dust".

Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life.

But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone... darkness will return.

A redhaired man in a bowling cap walked out an Alley with 4 henchman behind him. The leader stopped and relit his Cigar, Grinning. He walked down the Road- Frightening any citizens who were near. Eventually the group stopped outside of a shop called "From Dust 'till Dawn"

So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world", but take heed... there will be no victory in strength.
The group walked inside.

Ruby and Y/N sat inside next to each other. They Were jamming to Music while reading Weapon magazines- Well, Ruby was. Y/N was Looking at a book on weird events that have happened recently. The two Had gotten to know each other, and had become friends- Y/N was Endeared by Ruby's fawning over Weapons and Ruby liked listening to Y/N talk about Martial Arts and explain his spirits' mythos. 

But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require a smaller, more honest soul.

"Do you know how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" 

One of the Henchmen Aimed his gun at the shopkeeper.

"P-Please just take my Lien and leave!"

"Shh-Sh-Shhh.. Calm down, We're not here for your money. Grab the dust."

His henchmen got to work, using glass cases to syphon dust from containers on the walls.

"Crystal. Burnt. Uncut."

A henchman placed a case on the table. While another henchman looked around the store, He heard a muffled song playing from the corner of the store. He went to Investigate the sound and Found two Pretty teens sitting on the couch showing each other things from their books. The man pointed his gun at the two.

"Alright kids, put your hands where I can see 'em."

No response.

"Hey! I said put you hands in the air! You guy's got a death wish or something?!"

The man Walked closer to the two and got their attention. The two Took their headphone's off.


"I said- hands in the air! Now!"

"Are you.... Robbing us?"

Y/N asked, holding back a snicker.



The teens looked at each other and burst into Laughter. 

"Wait- Give me a second I gotta Text this to F/N-"


The man was sent flying through the store window. The Orange haired man looked at another henchman and sent him to deal with the two- Who had Jumped outside. And There was a Massive pink Elephant Creature- Why is there a...that?


Ruby And Y/N Stared at eachother.

"Can... Can you not see the Elephant? The scythe?"

"wha- Why wouldn't he be able to?"

"Sarcasm, Ruby."


Y/N threw his hand out in front of him, causing the gun to fly out The mans hand, and the man to be sent back into the building. Y/N dissipated his spirit and waited for the next move.

"Okayyy... Get them."

Following the order, the remaining henchman rush the Duo, Ruby used her scythe to spin around and Kick the closest one in the face before pulling Crescent Rose out of the ground and Going to Help Y/N.... Who had it covered. Y/N was busy beating the life out of  his henchman, With a flurry of Punches and kicks, ending the barrage with a spinning roundhouse kick to his face.

"Woo! Yeah Y/N! You're all like- Hoo! Hah!"

Y/N chuckled rubbed his nape.

"Thank you- But it's just Martial arts, You're the impressive one. You move your scythe as easily as a kid waves a stick around."

Ruby blushed- But with quickly shaken from that when Y/N  turned to the leader of the Gang.

"You were worth every cent- Truly, you were."

He dropped his cigar and stamped it with his cane, looking at the Teens in the dress and Baggy pants.

"Well, Red. Bangs.-"

Why's it always bangs?

"- I think we can all say it's been an Eventful evening. And As much as I'd love to stick around..."

He raised his cane and the bottom opened up to reveal a gun barrel and cross sight.

"..But I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

He shot a red blast at the Duo, Y/N Raised a Spirit from the ground that looked like a swamp-slime-creature, and it was destroyed by the attack. Ruby looked the shop keeper.

"You okay if we go after him?"

"Uh huh."

Ruby's eye's lit up as she looked at Y/N, Who let out a amused Sigh. He smiled at the girl.

"Yeah, We can."

Y/n Knelt down slightly, letting Ruby fold Crescent Rose and jump on his back for a piggy back ride. Y/N Summoned A pink Manta ray that he used to fly after the escaping Criminal, Who had already gotten on top of a building. Y/N got Behind him on the Building and Let Ruby jump off, And they both, in sync, yelled at him.



A bullhead rose behind The criminal, as Ruby readied to fight. He threw a Red dust crystal and Ruby and Shot at it, causing an Explosion as Bowling cap man Hopped on the Bullhead- 

"End of the line, Red."


Y/N looked at him with a look of hate, commanding Your spirit to fly right at the criminal and Knock him down once they were both on the floor of the bullhead. You Held your hand up and pulled the spirit to you, before holding up a Mini Uzumaki and letting it blast off- Despite having a small amount of Spirits put into it. He was sent flying out from the Bullhead as the Woman piloting puts the ship on Auto-Pilot so she could deal with Y/N, But a rumbling came from above the ship. Y/N didn't mind that as He Summoned Ganesha again and Made Roman stop rather Violently, before Y/N jumped out from the Bullhead, standing on a curse that looked like a Kappa. Y/N Kicked Him back at the Bullhead and rushed after him.

"Whoa-ho-ho- Bangs- Calm down- Red's fine!"

Y/N Looked over to see Ruby being Guarded by a lady who was fighting the Pilot of the ship. The Sound of Gunfire came from in front of Y/N, Who quickly pulled up another Spirit to protect himself, The Manta Ray having a hole blown through it. Y/N Gritted his teeth as he used to last remaining time the Spirit had before it disappeared to jump off it and back onto the building the go to Ruby's side

"Ruby! Are you Alright-?"

"Yeah I'm Fine"

"Huh? but- The explosion-"

The Bullhead flew away as the Lady with the riding crop spoke.

"I protected her. She's fin-"

"You're a huntress!"

Y/N Smiled, Relieved she was okay. Ruby's Eye's sparkled while she looked at the Huntress.

"Can I have your Autograph!?"

Time-Skip brought to you by Y/N's Uzumaki.

Ruby had a look of Shame on her face, as Glynda paced the room with a tablet in her hand. Y/N sat next to Ruby, patting her on the back.

"I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, Children! You put yourself and others in great danger."

"They started it!"

Ruby and Y/N Spoke in Sync, Both Slamming their hands on the table- Which was met with a Glare from Gynda, Causing the teens to awkwardly pull their hands away.

"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back... And a slap on the wrist. 

Glynda slapped his Riding Crop on the table, almost hitting their hands, but Y/N pulled both of their hands away as Ruby Jumped and let out an 'Eeep!'

"But... there is someone here who would like to meet you."

A man with Grey hair and a mug of Hot chocolate walked into the room as Glynda stepped aside. Y/N Let go of Ruby's hand slowly.

"Ruby Rose. Y/N Geto, Inheritor of Spirit Manipu-"

He looked at Ruby and let out a low 'Mm.'

"You... Have Silver eyes. Apologies, Inheritor of Spirit Manipulation And Friend to Gojo Cla-"

"Uh- Sorry to interrupt, Sir. But Why are you saying all this?"

Ozpin Chuckled and set down his Mug as he took a seat and Put down a plat of Cookie- That Ruby started inhaling.

"Ah I see, You're not one for Formalities? I assumed that as a friend of that Clan, You'd want to praised and adored. Like the Rich folk.

"I try to be polite, Sir."

Ozpin Nodded and pulled up a video of the Duo Kicking ass.

"So... Where did the two of you learn to do this?"

"F/N's families books helped me learn- And we trained together."

Y/N explained his side, Then heard Ruby speak with her Mouthful. Y/N Chuckled.

"Don't speak when chewing, Ruby." 

"Signal academy!"

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous Weapons ever designed?"

"Well, one teacher in particular."

Ozpin nodded and Sipped from his hot chocolate before speaking again.

"I see,  It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow.."

Ruby was about to speak with his mouthful again, But Y/N and Her shared a glance. She swallowed.

"That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like— Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!"

She followed his Karate sounds with Goofy Karate moves, Y/N Chuckled and Clapped once she finished her display.

"So I've noticed. And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

Y/N Nodded and Brushed a strand of his hair back.

"Well... I want to be a huntress." 

"You want to slay Monsters?"

"Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it! I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know?"

Y/N leaned on the table during her speech, Looking like he wanted to twirl a phone cord around his finger like they were on a call. His smile widened when she exploded at the end, Her grin was big. Glynda and Ozpin Studied her.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon."


Y/N and Ruby greeted him in sync.

"Nice to meet you.

"Ruby, Do you want to come to my school?"

"More than Anything."

Ozpin and Glynda exchanged a glance, Glynda gave a look of disapproval as she 'hmph'ed

"Well, okay."

Ruby and Y/N High fived

Time-skip brought to you by a chibi F/N reaching for Weiss and trying to kiss her.

Y/N stood with his White haired best friend, Both were chatting away about what they'd been doing in each other's absence, They gained quite the stares as everyone recognised F/N as the Gojo clans Brat.

"Well, I met this Girl, She's sweet. Her Name's Ruby and we fought bad guy's together, We even met Ozpin and He let her join Beacon two years early."

"All I'm Hearing is that You're finally talking to a girl."

"I have Talked to Girls, I was more popular at our old school, remember?"

"uh huh, Sure."

Y/N looked around the airship and Saw Ruby who was, for some reason, gesturing to her knees. He nudged F/N and Pointed to her.

"That's her!"

"Ruby right?"


F/N Grinned and Cupped his Hands around his mouth as Y/N's face turned to one of Horror.


Y/N Sighed and smiled Endearingly at F/n as he waltzed over to Ruby and the blonde girl she was talking to, Y/N followed Grabbed F/N by the shoulder while everyone was looking at them, Some people even begging F/N to take his Glasses off and asking Y/N To let his hair out.

"Y'know. F/N, I've been Meaning to ask. Maybe you should have manners? We're going into quite the prestigious school. And besides, Ruby here isn't the biggest fan of attention."

Y/N brushed past F/N and stood beside Ruby who looked like she was about to pop from all the attention.

"F/N, Could you get the attention off us?"

F/N Accomplished this by looking at everyone and telling them all, Bluntly, To stop looking.

"He's a handful, isn't he?"


Ruby said, processing the rush of emotions, while the blonde next to her was waiting for her to notice the look she had on her face, that just said 'Boyfriend.' Once Ruby finally noticed her, She pushed her away and pouted, her face turning red.

"Yang! I don't-"

"I'm sorry- I don't think we've met, I'm Y/N, Ruby's friend."

"Oh really? friend? Well, Y/N, I'm Yang. Ruby's sister, and I didn't know she had such a fine taste in men."

Y/N Chuckled and shook her hand.

"Thank you, But Most people Say my Friend is better Looking. Ruby, Yang, This is F/N. He's from the Gojo Clan. F/N, This is Ruby and Yang."

F/N ruffled Ruby's hair, his usual cocky smirk on his face as he introduced himself.

"What he said pretty much sums me up, Head of the Gojo clan and together, We're the strongest Duo."

"You're right, He is better looking. Nice to meet you F/N, Any chance I can get your contac-"

"Not interested Sorry. However... You thinking what I'm thinking?"

F/N nodded to Y/N and Ruby, who sat there in little chibi forms. Yang Nodded back and smiled at each other, Bumping fists.

"Sooo...  Y/N, What's your taste in wo-"

"We're here!!"

Someone shouted from offscreen, And The group looked out to see Beacon was closer than ever before. F/N smirked and was ready to prove they were the strongest, to everyone.

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