The Shining Beacon

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The group exits the Aircraft, Ruby and Y/N walking ahead, chatting away about weapons and whatnot as Yang and F/N follow closely behind the two.. Then out Came Vomit boy and F/N Pondered for a bit as Yang waited for a bit.

"You uh.. Coming, big guy?"

"Mn. Yeah, You guys go on ahead."

Yang an F/N Waved goodbye to each other as F/N Walked up to Vomit boy and gave him a pat on the back.

"Should probably go get yourself some water, vomit boy. Wash down that taste of.. Y'know. Vomit?"

"Ugh... Yeah.. Right. I'll be fine, just gimme a second."

"I didn't ask if you were fine. C'mon, I'll Buy you a Coke, kay? ....Oh, right. I'm F/N, F/N Gojo."

"Jaune Arc, Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue Ladies love it."

"No they don't."

Jaune Slumped and nodded in agreement.

"You're mean..."

"I'm Buying you a coke, Right?"

Jaune shrugged and Followed F/N as they walked, eventually coming across a vending machine. F/N Brought two for them both, and handed one to a sulking Jaune.

"I'm just saying, Motion sickness is a lot more of a problem than people think!"

"I wouldn't know. Anyway, You've got your Coke."

F/N walked off to go find Y/N- When a Large cloud of smoke and a boom happened. That'd be him. Jaune Followed F/N, But F/N didn't care, Didn't annoy him. Soon the pair came across Weiss Yelling and Ranting and Ruby and Y/N, Calling them Dolts, Idiots, Morons and the like, F/N smirked and came from Behind Weiss and wrapped his arms around her waist before puller her close to him. He gently bit her on the ear- Which lead to him getting slapped by Weiss. F/N rubbed the slap mark and grinned.

"Hi Weeiisss~"

"Shut up, Idiot!"

"I see you're yelling at my buddies, Having fun?"

"I- wha- These Moron's are your friends?"

"Yeh, Y/N and Ru...bbyyy?"

F/N Used his limitless to pick up all the Luggage scattered everywhere.

"So You're the Schnee F/N Always talks about? I have to say, terrible first impression From the future best Man of your wedding."

"That's just a dumb arranged Marriage!"

Y/N Helped Ruby stand up, dusting the black soot off her face and smiled at Weiss.

"Well- they- you disrespected the Heiress of the Schnee dust company!"

"Oh nooo, They disrespected you, Princess."
F/N mocked her, which resulted in Weiss pounding away at his chest.

"Do... They do this a lot?"

"From what F/N tells me, yeah."

Ruby and Y/N Snickered away, until a black haired girl with a bow on her head came along.

"Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

"Finally! Recognition."

Ruby and Y/N Looked between the 2 of them, Y/N could tell this wasn't gonna go the best, so he pulled Ruby along to go Stand next to F/N

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners."

Y/N relaxed, as there was no personal attack against Weiss.

"Ugh! The nerve of-"

Weiss took the Bottle of Dust That the girl held, and Grabbed F/N Before Storming off.

"Bye guys, I guess."

Y/N Waved Bye to F/N Before Ruby tried to make Friends with The girl with the bow, Who had already walked off however, Causing Ruby to fall over in defeat. 

"Seems F/N brought us a new Friend. I'm Y/N, Nice to meet you. Did you make friends with F/N?"

"He uh... brought me a coke and Made fun of me? Is that... How he makes friends?"

"Mm, You're not enemies, So good job. Wanna walk with us? Crater face here wants to make some friends."

"Uh. Sure? Oh- I'm Jaune, Jaune arc, Short, sweet, Rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it?"

"Oh I'm sure."


Y/N, Ruby, and Jaune were all walking together, listening to Jaune blabble on about how Motion sickness is a big problem and people don't take it seriously.

"Look! We're sorry that Vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind!"

"What if I started calling you Crater face?"

"Hey I made that one-"

"My name Is short, Sweet, and it rolls off the Tongue! Ladies love it."

Y/N and Ruby exchanged a glance with each other, before Raising an Eyebrow and looking at Jaune.

"Do they?"

"They will. W-Well, I hope they Will. You're friend said they wouldn't... But My Mom Says they will!"

Ruby Giggled Before a Silence fell. Y/N smiled when Ruby pulled out Crescent Rose and Stabbed it Into the ground.

"Woah! Is that a scythe?"

"It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!"

"A What?"

Ruby Cocked is before Y/N spoke.

"A gun. It's also a gun."

"What do you have, Jaune?"

"Oh-! I uhm.. I've got this sword!"


"Yeah! and I've got this shield too.."

Jaune Waved his sword around as the metal in his other hand expanded into his shield, which ruby started poking.

"What do they do?"

Jaune Fumbled with his shield, Bouncing it from both hands as tried to catch it, expanding and retracting it again and again.

"The shield gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just... put it away..."

"It weighs the same. Doesn't it?"


"Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons, sooo... I guess I did go a little overboard when designing it."

Y/N smiled as Jaune gained a shocked look on his face, recoiling in surprise.

"Wait... You made that?"

"Of course! All Students at Signal make their weapons- Didn't you make yours?"

"It's a hand me down, My Great-Grandfather used it to fight in the war."

"Sounds more like a family heirloom to me! Well, I like it! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days."

"Yeah... Classics.."

Jaune sheathed his sword before looking at Y/N quizzically.

"What's your Weapon."

"Oh- Well, I don't usually Need it but I do have one."

Y/N Had a Purple Worm spirit with the face of an ugly baby appear around his waist. It opened it's mouth and revealed a Mostly-Red and Black coloured Pole. Y/N grabbed the pole and Pulled the Whole thing out. Revealing the full length. Three red poles. attached to each other by chain.

"it's not slimey from the worm mouth, Don't worry."

"What.. Does it do?"

"Well, Ruby, It's got the mystic power of Being really, really, Dense."

"That's.. It?"

"If it works, It works, Jaune."


"Where are we going?"

"I don't..Know?"

"Y-You think there might be a directory? Maybe a food court? Some sort of recognizable landmark? ..... Is, uh... Is that a 'no'?"

"That's a 'no.'"

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