But You Just Never Know

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Gerard's P.O.V

I smiled at Velocity as she picked at her food. Occasionally she ate a chip, rather than pulling it to pieces. She was looking down at the plate. So I used the time to look at her. Really look at her. She was definitely a stunner. Her jet black hair reached her knees. It hung over her face like a curtain. Her skin was amazingly silky and soft for someone who spent ten years living like a animal. She had both knees against her chest as she ate with one arm wrapped around them. How anyone can eat like that, I don't know. But she seemed comfortable. I couldn't see her eyes right now, but I remember how unbelievably gorgeous they were. As blue as the deepest ocean. They were the most captivating eyes I'd ever seen.
She looked up all of a sudden and blushed, lowering her head again, with a adorable small smile.
"How's the food?" I asked.
She shrugged.
"Can you talk?" Why I didn't ask her before is beyond me.
She nodded but never spoke.
"Why won't you talk to me then?"
She shrugged.
"Are you scared of me?"
She shook her head.
"Will you talk to me, please?"
She dropped the chip she was demolishing and hugged her legs. "St...Starr." She said so quietly I had to strain to hear her.
"Starr? What does that mean?"
She looked up at me. "M...my n...name." She said. "V...Velocity St...Starr."
I smiled as she bit her bottom lip. I held my hand out. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Starr." I said.
She looked at my hand then smiled at me as she placed her hand in mine.
"Morning, guy's." Bob said as he walked into the kitchen area.
Velocity took her hand back and retreated back into the corner of the bench. Her face shielded by her hair.
Bob smiled at her. "Morning, Velocity." He said, softly. "How are you this morning?"
She shrugged.
"Bob, it's like ten in the evening." I pointed out.
Bob grinned. "Yeah but I've only just got up."
I shook my head then stood up. "I'm going to sleep." I held my hand out to Velocity. "I'll show you where you can sleep."
She looked at me then put her hand in mine. I led her to the bunks.
"You can sleep in this one." I pointed to a bottom bunk. "If you need anything, I'm in that bunk." I pointed to the one directly across from hers.
She frowned at her bunk then looked back at me, biting her bottom lip. She pointed to my bunk.
I frowned. "You want my bunk?"
She hugged herself and looked down. "S...share?" She asked. "P...please?"
I looked at her in shock. "You want to share?" I asked.
She nodded.
"You sure?"
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "L...lonely."
Then it struck me. She'd been alone for ten years. Of course she's lonely. I climb into the bunk and pat the space beside me. She smiled, sadly, then climbed in. I reach over and close the curtain, then lay on my back.
She moves towards me and puts her head on my chest. I'm surprised but I put my arm around her. She puts her arm around my waist. My heart starts beating faster. After about twenty minutes, her breathing becomes more relaxed. Glad she can sleep. I couldn't. All I could think about was how close she was. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this when a) I'd only just met her. And b) She's vulnerable. But all I could think about was kissing her beautiful lips. Fuck. It's gonna be a really long night.
After about an hour I heard her mumbling. I strained to hear her.
"Please, Dad, no."
I frowned. What the fuck?
"Please, I'll be good."
"Please don't hurt me."
She started to get a bit distressed. So I woke her up, gently. "Vel, sweetie?" I whispered.
She opened her eyes. Tears streaming down her face.
"It's okay." I said as I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back. "Your safe now."
I heard a noise outside the bunks.
"Is Velocity okay?" Mikey asked. "We all heard crying. We got kind of worried."
"I...I'm o...okay." Velocity managed to say. Just loud enough that Mikey should have heard it. "T..thank y...you."
"Err...no problem." He sounded surprised. "If you need anything, just let us know."
I smiled. "Thanks, bruv." I called out.
He moved away.
"I'm here for you, whenever you want to talk about anything. Whenever your ready."
She smiled. Then she leaned up and kissed me. It was only brief, but I could feel the sparks. She laid her head back on my chest. She soon drifted back to sleep.
I frowned. How the fuck am I going to be able to help her if I keep having these thoughts in my head? It didn't help when she kissed me. Now I have to use all my will power to not touch her. I mean in a sexual way. I don't know how much she understands about relationships. I have to be careful with her. Take things slowly. Hopefully I can figure out what those nightmares were about. My own....needs can wait. But you just never know what life's going to throw at you.

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