There Might Be Something Right Past The Turnpike Gates

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Gerard's P.O.V

The next morning, we're all sat in the lounge area. Velocity is sat close to me hugging her legs to her chest again. Ray was sat next to her, trying to get her talking.
"Why were you alone for ten years?" He asked.
She shrugged.
"I'm sorry." Ray sighs. "I'm not trying to pressure you. We're just all so worried about you. We heard you when you had your nightmare. We're scared your....Dad could be looking for you."
Velocity looked at Ray, sadly. "'s okay, R...Ray." She said as she grabbed his hand. He was surprised, but didn't pull away.
She looked around at me. She took my hand and pulled me forward slightly. I sat forward. She pulled Ray forward so we could all sit level.
" all took in." She muttered as she looked at our joined hands. She kept hold of Ray's too.
"So I o....owe you a ex....explanation."
She sighed.
I shake my head. "It's okay." I told her. "You don't have to tell us."
She rested her head on my shoulder. "I...I do." She said, quietly. "I've j...just never t...talked about it. one to about it"
She sighs and sits back up. She let's go of our hands to pull a long silver chained locket out of her top. Why didn't I notice that? She opened the old oval shaped locket to reveal a picture of a beautiful dark haired woman, smiling. She held it so we could all see it.
" M...Mum, Joline." She explained.
"She's a stunner." Bob pointed out. Earning a sad smile from Velocity.
"Th...thank you." She said as she looked back down at the picture. "S...She came f...from a rich Before she married D...Dad, she was c...called Joline Cole. S...She met D...Dad at a th...theme park. He f...followed her around. Eventually M...Mum gave in a...and agreed to him again. They f...fell in love. Got m...married and had They w...were happy. I gr...grew up in a h...happy home. T...till I was f...fifteen. D...Dad started to ch...change. He'd s...snap at us. H...he hit us. S...So Mum th...threw him out. H...he talked with a about getting M...Mum's money. He was t...told he'd get half. B...but he wasn't h...happy with that." A tear slid down her cheek. I really wanted to hug her. "He w...wanted it all. H...he realized that he had stay with h...her. So he pretended be getting help f...for the anger. She took h...him back. Things seemed go back to b...before he changed. H...he took us on w...walks. To th...theme parks. Camping. Then o...on my sixteenth birthday, changed again." She bit her bottom lip, a sad look on her face.
"I woke up to sh....shouting. Mum was sh...shouting, 'You lied.' I...I went downstairs see if s...She was o...okay. When I w...went into the kitchen, D...Dad was waving a k...knife around while he sc...screamed at her. He called her a...a stupid b...bitch. So I told him leave her a...alone and stop c...calling her names. He b...backed me against the w...wall and held the k...knife to my throat."
We all sucked in a breath and cursed.
"He s...said I was a...a accident. Th...they never w...wanted me." She paused, looking at the picture of her Mum still. "Mum screamed at him not hurt So he turned on her. T...they struggled with the k....knife. Then h...he st...stabbed her. H...he did it r....repeatedly. I screamed s...So he backed away. M...Mum fell to the f...floor. She l...looked at me a...and said, 'Don't l...let him get you. Run,' So I r...ran."
"On my fucking god." Mikey gritted out, his face full of horror.
Velocity wiped her face. "I ran to the lake n...nearby and c...collapsed to my knees a...and cried. I d...don't know how long I was t...there. But I h...heard him shout So I got up a...and ran. We lived in the m....middle of nowhere. S...So I headed t...towards a r...rocky hill. H...he caught me up b...but slipped. He fell about s...sixty feet. I went towards h...him. When he f...fell, the knife ended up his n...neck. He d...died." She wiped the tears again. "I w...went back to t...the house. It was o...on fire. I...I had nothing a...and no one. S...So I wondered a...around. I didn't or sleep f...for days. E...eventually I f...found that old So I stayed t...there. Been there e...ever since. Only g...going out to h...hunt and wash the lake."
Bob crouched infront of her. She looked back at him. "You have all us now." He said, softly. "So your not alone anymore."
Mikey moved to crouch beside Bob. "We can't replace your Mum, but we're your family now."
Brian smiled, "Whatever you want, just ask." He added.
Ray grabbed her hand. She looked at him. "We're here for you."
She smiled. "Thank" She looked at the others. "All o...of you." She looked at me. "G...Gerard?"
I smiled. "I agree with the guys." I said as I put a arm around her shoulders. "Your safe now. I promise."
She smiled as she rested her head on my chest and hugged me.

We were on the road an hour later. Velocity was asleep when we reached a toll gate. Her new life starts just past those gates. Hopefully a better life. But you just never know.


Anybody worked out what I'm doing with the titles yet?
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