OTHER | First Meeting

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[name] had been followed by a strange man for quite a while. Not....hours. More like days. At first, she thought nothing of it, seeing it as just a coincidence. A coincidence that he ate at the same restaurant. Shopped at close by shops. Slept at the same inn.

She was getting a bit worried. Though [name] knew she was strong even without a vision, she knew that if she didn't make her move before he did then things may end differently.

[name] had planned this out perfectly in a few days. She had told no one seeing how they may make it look obvious; like how you tell someone not to look behind you but they do it anyway. Other people would just scare him off if they confronted him...maybe.

But she wouldn't scare him away. No. She would get answers.

It was a chilly night and many people would be heading to the Angel's Share as the people of Mondstadt usually did. There were bards strumming their instruments, singing or humming to a tune. Diluc was surprisingly behind the counter seeing how it was a busy night.

What luck. She was a decent acquaintance with the pyro user so if things backfired she knew that he could help.

Now the woman sat upstairs. The reason was that no one in Celestia wanted to sit upstairs for some reason. This man did. She had her back turned to him but she had heard him coming up the steps.

Fine! Do you want to play this game? You better be ready! She thought with a grimace, standing up, which caused her chair to make an uncomfortable noise. She twisted her head around making the blond man freeze up but then look away.

Now that she was actually facing him head-on he had rather strange clothes. Outlandish yet elegant. There was also a mask covering his face...just partially though.

"Hey. I know you've been following me and don't try to deny it. I've seen you almost everywhere I go. You've been too obvious these past few days." She pointed at him accusingly. It took a moment for the man to compose himself. He looked distraught and indecisive as if he was debating what to tell her.

"I'm surprised you noticed."

Wow, he's really not trying to deny it!

"But it's for your safety."

"Huh? I can protect myself though and besides, I'm no one special." She shrugged before her glare hardened. "So leave me alone, got it?"

The woman turned, grabbing her drink before descending the stairs. She didn't bother waiting for any response, not really caring really.

"No. You have no idea how important you are. Not yet."


Being an adventurer was too difficult for [name]. All she wanted to do was return to Snezhnaya and be with her parents. But she knew that it would mean letting her brother down. Though her parents were welcoming people and offered [name] a place to stay whenever and in whatever conditions she couldn't just give up. Though it did sound tempting.

"Ugh...why does Sumeru have to be so humid?!" She whined, stepping around a few plants. When some leaves brushed against her leg she squirmed and scuttled away, disliking the texture.

She wasn't at all a germophobe but she just hated the outdoors touching bare parts of her body. For example, some people hate washing dishes because they hate dirty water getting on their hands(of course that's what gloves are for).

But within this little disgusted bout, she didn't realize where she'd just arrived. After calming down she turned her head to face forward. A masked creature stared at her with its arms raised over her head, mimicking her actions from before. She was stunned in shock but when the Hilichurl ended the mimicry it cried out in its language causing a whole hoard to assemble.

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