13. Price to Pay

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Leonard observes the guardian and at the same time observes the surroundings;

Time has stopped, the wind does not blow, the sun's rays do not heat, the screams and explosions arising from the battlefield cannot be heard, everything is silent only to leave room for the entrance of this mysterious figure dressed in black.

Leonard appears to lose consciousness, then recovers.

"How long have I waited for the day to see you again with my eyes brother"

The mysterious figure remains silent for a few seconds before talking.

"did you get your heart back brother?"

"Only some fragments unfortunately! Some pieces of my memory are still blank and I struggle to understand some things..."

"Sometimes it's better not remembering..."

Leonard glares at the guardian.

"Are you talking about your betrayal?"

"I see you've recovered a lot..."

"I still don't understand WHY, why did you betray us?"

The individual sits on the pews of the cathedral.

"Even if I explain my motives to you, now as then, you wouldn't understand"

Leonard seems to give up, he understands that he will get nothing from his interlocutor.

"Why are you only coming out now?"

The Guardian stands up and approaches Leonard.

"The Heavenly Principles keep an eye on every recent move that has happened in this world..."

Leonard smiles "The Heavenly Principles..."

"If you know what I mean, then you will know that however your revolution ends, it will force the Heavenly Principles to descend to earth and the consequences you will face will be the complete extinction of all life forms"

Leonard lets out a sigh, his hands are shaking, but it's not him who is shaking, but the real Leonard, a simple human who doesn't know the truth about the passage of time, about the functioning of the system created by the Heavenly Principles, how they administer it, the rules their subjects must follow and the punishment that awaits those who violate those laws.

"Don't be so mean as to prey on the feelings of a poor boy who hasn't lived half our life" he says, holding his hand tightly to reassure his second "SELF."

"You can twist the topic however you like, the ending will always be the same"

"Leonard and I want the same thing, a better world"

"We are cursed! What do you think you can do after all this time..." the Guardian shouts.

Leonard leans close to the Guardian's ear and breathes out some words in a tone so low that it was almost inaudible to whoever was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Are you serious?"

Leonard nods with conviction, without saying a single word.

The Guardian mulls over what he has just learned for a few minutes.

"This project of yours will have no consequences on the plan of the Heavenly Principles, your sacrifice will be completely useless and no one will remember what you did, do you still want to proceed on your way?"

Leonard can only smile at the Guardian's lack of trust.

"I'm just a pathetic human being, even if I fail, at least I'll have pride in saying I tried."

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