Chapter 2.

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"Damn those eyes of yours"

Tom was the first one up the next morning, he was even energized enough to be the one who got everyone else coffee this morning.

why was he so full of energy? he didn't know.

but his bandmates had a guess.

"you got so much energy, what the hell dude?" Tom's brother Bill snapped at him.

"Well, weren't you the one reminding me of practice today? telling me how I should think about it last night, to not get too drunk so I wouldn't be able to perform today?" he replied with a smug grin.

"shut up.." Bill said taking the coffee.

"I guess the power of love has that effect on ya" Georg suddenly said making Tom choke on his coffee.

"me? in love? pffft. never.!" he replied trynna recover.

"suuuuuure, I'm sure you've been texting Grace ever since you got home last night" Gustav chipped in.

"Well, no. I couldn't." Tom said, staring down at his feet.

"and why not?" Bill asked his older brother.

"i..umm...I sorta of didn't ask for her number.." Tom hesitant answered the rest of the band.

"you didn't what?." they all asked him, looking disappointed at him.

"ANYWAY, LETS PRACTICe BOYS. THESE HONNIES NEED TO BE BLOWN AWAY." Tom said trying to change the subject not wanting to be roasted for letting a girl slip through his fingers like that.

As Tom took his place in the front, something magical happened. He slipped effortlessly into his zone, a place where he was pure talent, where his voice soared, and his guitar sang. The music flowed through him like a current, and he poured his heart and soul into every note. His bandmates watched in awe as he commanded the stage, his charisma and musical prowess undeniable.

But amid the music and the applause of his friends, Tom couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. His thoughts kept drifting back to Grace, the mysterious and enchanting woman he had met the night before. In the midst of his performance, he couldn't shake the memory of their electric connection, the seductive dance, and the fiery kisses they had shared.

Between songs, as the band took a short break, Tom's mind wandered. He couldn't believe he had forgotten to ask Grace for her number, a small but significant detail that had slipped through the cracks of the unforgettable night. He regretted not having a way to reach out to her, to continue the connection that had ignited between them.

As he resumed singing and playing, Tom's fingers moved around on his guitar with a passion that was fueled not only by his love for music but also by the burning desire to see Grace again. He knew he had to find a way to reconnect with her, to discover the depths of the connection they had forged in the dimly lit nightclub.

At that moment, with his bandmates harmonizing around him and the music flowing through his veins, Tom vowed to himself that he would leave no stone unturned in his quest to find Grace once more.

Tom and his bandmates were filled with anticipation as they piled into the tour bus. The energy was palpable as they made their way to the venue, their excitement building with each passing mile. Tom couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline, knowing that he was about to take the stage and perform for their adoring fans.

As they stepped onto the stage that night, the roar of the crowd was deafening. Girls screamed and waved their banners, each one hoping for a moment of attention from their favorite band member. Tom, Bill, Gustav, and Georg soaked it all in, their charisma and talent on full display as they launched into their set.

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